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"I'm totally heterophobic!"

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"I'm totally heterophobic!"


"I told you I'd drag you back here."

"In all honesty.." Hitoshi started, wincing when he pulled one of the many burrs from out of his arm. "I didn't expect you to actually go through with it."

"You left me no choice!" You huffed indignantly, sliding your shoes off and approaching the kitchen. "It's not my fault you just so happened to fall into a bush and so happened to get stabbed with a bunch of prickly burrs."

"It was entirely your fault," he deadpanned, watching as you reached into one of the cabinets, grabbed the first aid kit, and clambered back to the living area. "I'm not bleeding."

"Your skin is ought to itchy though," you frowned, pulling out a container of anti-itch cream and holding it above your head. "But if you don't want it.."

"—No, fuck you!" Hitoshi exclaimed, easily snatching the container from your hands and placing it beside him. "..Hey, do I have any burrs in my hair?"

"Lemme check."

As Hitoshi applied lotion and bowed his head down so that you could rummage through his annoyingly curly locks, you noticed the door unlock and a familiar mop of spiky red hair walk through.

"Are you guys monkeys now..?" Eijiro questioned sarcastically, having stumbled onto the scene where it resembled a monkey picking ticks out from another monkey's fur.

"Ha ha," you deadpanned, rolling your eyes in mock annoyance. "Hilarious."

"How did the conclusion of the sport's festival go..?" You iterated the question, flicking a burr off of Hitoshi's hair.

"I can't imagine it ended well considering your cruel crush was the winner."

"Crush?" Hitoshi suddenly perked his head up, mumbling a small apology and bowing his head down again when he saw your peeved expression. "That hedgehog-looking angry guy..?"

"That's him," Eijiro feigned annoyance, but you could easily pick out the lovestruck toothy grin on his face. "I feel bad. They put him in chains and gave him a muzzle, like he was a mutt or something.."

The tension in the room suddenly thickened, an uncomfortable silence enveloping the room as each person got lost in their own thoughts.

You and Hitoshi shared the same deprecating feeling. Bakugo was to be treated like a villain, because that's how he looked to everyone. Just like the two of you.

An uncomfortable memory came to both your mind's.


It was supposed to be a normal school day. Ignore the insults, do the work, and eventually walk home.

But life had other plans.

"Let him go, you assholes..!" You shouted, struggling as one of your junior high classmates held you back with his arms tucked under your's.

You were forced to watch as a group of bullies held Hitoshi down, not even caring that they were stepping on his arms or pulling his hair.

"Villains like you should be detained," the leader let out a huff, a sly smile appearing on his face. "Maybe we should shut you up."

You started shouting even more profanities when you saw what the leader pulled out from his backpack, wishing that you were blind so that you wouldn't have to watch Hitoshi's face morph into a panicked one.


"Shut up!" The boy holding you tightened his grip, making you cry out in pain.

Hitoshi let out a muffled yelp, the harsh leather and cold metal digging into his face as they were clasped onto him.

They put a muzzle on him.

"And you" the leader pushed Hitoshi back onto the ground, turning to look at you. The interaction sent uncomfortable tremors down your body. "..I would've put a blindfold on you earlier, but I wanted you to watch every little second of this, sweetheart."

You almost threw up at the dreaded pet name, turning your head sharply to the side so you wouldn't have to look at the leader.

"Fuck off, Kenta."

"I'd rather you call me Hiroto," he shrugged, suggesting the use of his first name and smiling sickeningly sweet. "Won't you call me that..?"

"Never," you spat, fighting against the one who was holding you back. "Take the muzzle off of him!"

"Not in a million years," Kenta turned around, grabbing a piece of fabric from his backpack and approaching you. "But now it's your turn!"

You thrashed as he placed the fabric on your face, tightening it across your eyes in a way that made you wince in pain.

Suddenly shoved onto the ground, you could hear slight clambering and the fleeting footsteps in the gravel. You let out a sigh of relief, attempting to pull and release the blindfold from your face before realizing that they tied it in a weird way that made it much harder to undo.

"Hitoshi?" You echoed out a question, using your hands to navigate around the gravelly environment that was the back of your junior high. "Are you alright?"

You heard muffled curses from somewhere in front of you, sighing in relief when you suddenly grabbed Hitoshi's arm.

It was then you were reminded that the world wasn't always nice to those unlucky enough to be at a disadvantage.


"That sucks.." Hitoshi spoke up over the silence, a sour expression on his face. You knew that he was thinking the same thing you were. "What a wonderful way to showcase your winner, U.A.."

"Mmh.. sarcasm," you nodded. "Nice touch."

"I mean, it's unfair, right..!?" Eijiro exclaimed heatedly, not noticing the dark look you and Hitoshi shared between yourselves. "Nobody should have to suffer like that!"

"Yeah," you shrugged nonchalantly, subconsciously lifting a finger to trace by your eyes.

"..Nobody should."

(Word Count: 939)

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