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"I won't hesitate to slap a bitch

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"I won't hesitate to slap a bitch."


It was time for the hour-long break in the middle of the Sports Festival, which you took as an opportunity to build up energy.

You yawned, leaning on Hitoshi's shoulder as you watched the games in the stadium below. Unlike your classmates, you and Hitoshi needed some well-deserved rest before the final leg of the Sports Festival.

"Look at those idiots," Hitoshi huffed, amusement dawning on his features as he watched the chaos below him.

"They're so itty-bitty!" You said with a squeal, cupping your hands around your eyes in an attempt to look closer. "Wait.. what's happening over there?"

You directed Hitoshi's attention to one of the closer tunnels, where a bunch of girls were wearing cheerleading uniforms. They looked upset.

"Hitoshi, your boyfriend is being a pervert!" You exclaimed teasingly, making the tired boy grumble in his spot, mumbling something about stupidity. "For good reason though, those Class 1-A girls are kinda hot."

"Stop being gay, Y/N."

"Said the guy with a boyfriend..?"

Letting out a sigh of exasperation, Hitoshi playfully shoved you off of him and left, presumably to lecture his electric partner.

You were left alone in the stands, continuing to watch the girls by the tunnel. They were upset, and while you could somehow relate to that feeling of exposure, you couldn't keep your eyes off of them.

Specifically the two yelling the most.

Not being too far up in the stadium stands, you were allowed a decent view of the Class 1-A girls. Upon closer inspection, the two you were focusing on were extremely pretty. One had long, black hair pulled into a ponytail, while the other had purple hair that was swept to the side of her face.

Shaking your head in a desperate attempt to distract yourself, you rigidly stood up and walked away, aiming to find some food.

Though, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop yourself from looking back over.

About half an hour later..

"I feel kind of bad," you frowned, staring at the two boys who just dropped out of the tournament. "Those two only dropped out because of us.."

"Don't feel bad," Hitoshi scrutinized, glancing at you with a calm demeanor. "They're already in the hero course anyway."

"But isn't the Sports Festival another way to get recognized by pro heroes?"

Hitoshi stayed silent at the comment, unsure of how to respond to you. Despite your equal distaste for those with privilege, you were more merciful than the boy.

"These are your opponents!"

At Midnight's sudden announcement, you squinted up at the screen, trying to find your name.

"I'm against a Momo Yaoyorozu!" You exclaimed, glancing to Hitoshi excitedly. "Who are you against..?" You froze once you saw his smiling face.

"Izuku Midoriya."

You nodded solemnly, glancing around to find the green-haired boy. He looked confusedly at the board, as if he didn't know who his opponent was.

You let Hitoshi walk over to intimidate him whilst you searched for your opponent.

"Y/N, right?"

Turning your head, you nearly choked. It was one of the girls you were staring at earlier.

She was way prettier up close.

With a kind smile, she took your hand and shook it.

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," she greeted, nodding to herself. "Please give it your all in our match."

"O-Oh, of course!" You replied in a panic, laughing nervously as you stared at her. "It's nice to meet you Yaoyorozu..!"

Yaoyorozu let out a hum, looking you up and down as though she were observing you. It made the blush on your face strengthen tenfold.

"You know, you have the same last name as one of my classmates," she commented, making you rigidly freeze. "You kind of look alike too."

"You must mean Eijiro.." you laughed, leaning in to speak in a hushed tone. "Between you and me, I think my brother wants to surprise everyone, so shh!"

You lifted your finger to your mouth, grinning slyly. Yaoyorozu had no outward reaction, bowing to you before walking away. It made you shiver slightly.

"..Good luck!" You nervously yelled after her, receiving a backward wave in response. "I guess I'll just find Hitoshi again.." you murmured to yourself.

Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu walked away from you, a thoughtful expression on her features. You were really nice, but that wouldn't stop her from beating you and moving on.

She didn't think you'd be much of a challenge.

(Word Count: 752)

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delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now