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"I just wanna love a pretty girl!"

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"I just wanna love a pretty girl!"


It had been about a couple months of harsh training and strategy with you and Hitoshi. And anyone who had been paying attention could see the difference.

Firstly, Hitoshi gained some muscle. He no longer looked like a tired sickly boy who couldn't lift a single weight.

Now he can lift weights. He still looked tired though.

And Kaminari was all over it.

"Now my lanky emo boyfriend is a muscular emo boyfriend!" He cheered, causing the mentioned insomniac to groan in embarrassment.

"Denki, sunshine, please stop saying that."

You, on the other hand, could actually focus during a battle for once. Aizawa had pointed out that you tended to get distracted by other things during a fight, including the sports festival tournament when you went against Yaoyorozu.

So he basically beat it into you.

"Focus Kirishima," Aizawa ordered, his capture scarf shooting toward you.

You barrel-rolled to the side, immediately hopping back up and charging your teacher. This was essentially a quirkless fight—since Aizawa had long-since erased your quirk—so you couldn't use any hallucinations. Instead, you dipped down when the capture weapon darted back out, grabbing it, and pulling your teacher to the ground.

"Ooh, down for the count!" You cheered after effectively pinning your teacher down, hopping back up. "I won!"

Hitoshi and Kaminari—or more so just Kaminari because Hitoshi looked as though he were napping during your match—gave you an enthusiastic cheer from where they were sitting. Beside them, Mic clapped.

"Great match," you heard Aizawa say behind you, causing you to turn and flash a cheeky grin.

"I finally won a match against you!" You grinned, gesturing excitedly toward the cuts and scratches you had been getting on your face due to falling on the ground. "Admit it, were you holding back against me..?"

To your surprise, Aizawa only placed his hand against your head, lovingly ruffling your hair. "I mean it. Good job, kiddo."

In that moment, you had looked more like Oboro Shirakumo than the tired teacher originally thought.

"Actually," Mic cut in. "We have an offer for you two!"

Kaminari had begun to drag a drowsy Hitoshi over, a bright smile on his face. "Hitoshi's a little tired, but I'll listen for him!"

"No, you should probably wake him up," Aizawa sighed, taking his hand off your head and returning it to his side. "This is important."

At the word important, Hitoshi seemed to spring up, as though he was always awake and just then had snapped to attention. "What is it, Aizawa-sensei?"

You glanced at Hitoshi, a smirk on your face. "Aren't you such a little favorite child?"

"Shut the fuck up, Y/N."

"Focus," Aizawa berated, batting both you and Hitoshi on the head. It made you wonder why he had looked at you so lovingly before. "This is regarding your eventual integration into my class."

Immediately, your interest was piqued.

"The final exams for the hero course are coming up," Aizawa explained, shooting both you and Hitoshi a warning glare. "And don't mention this to anyone, especially the hero course students, but they'll be going against the teachers in pairs."

You sent a wary glance to Hitoshi, who returned it with just as much worry. A teacher? A pro-hero?

"I intend for you both to come along and participate in the final exams."

"Wait, but Aizawa-sensei—"

"—what?" The teacher's hair flowed up, his eyes sending you a red glare. "Are you backing out now?"

With a squeak of terror, you saluted stiffly. "..N-No sir..!"

"Y/N wouldn't dream of it!" Hitoshi jumped to your defense, a tired and wary smile on his face. Eerily, he turned to stare at you. "Right?"

"I already said I wouldn't!"

You heard a deep sigh leave your teacher's lips. "..You two are a handful."

"Good thing we have two sets of hands!" Mic chimed in, waving his own hands around in an enthusiastic manner. He slung an arm around the unenthused Aizawa, a bright smile on his face. 

"Get off of me," the tired teacher deadpanned, shrugging off Mic's arms without another thought. "Anyways, it won't be easy. You both already know this though."

With a quick glance to the other, both you and Hitoshi nodded. The journey wasn't pretty, but you were both willing to do what it took to get into the hero course.

"We've faced harder things before," Hitoshi smirked, elbowing you slightly.

You returned the smile with a playful expression. "Yeah, yeah," you chuckled. "We'll be ready Aizawa-sensei!"

"Good," the man huffed, patting both of you on the head. "Then I urge you to get some rest this next week. The exams will take place next Monday, so prepare yourselves."

"Yes sir!"

And as the three of you—being yourself, Kaminari, and Hitoshi—left the school, you and Hitoshi could only think of one thing; and one thing only.

This was finally the chance you both had been waiting for.

(Word Count: 841)

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