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"Two bros chillin' in a hot tub!"

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"Two bros chillin' in a hot tub!"


All was silent in the halls of U.A.

Well, partially silent.

"This is something we need to discuss," Yaoyorozu hummed, leaning up against the school hallway corridor, the area being deathly quiet due to class being in session.

"You're right..." Jirou murmured, kneeling down so that she was crouched by the floor in a squat.

It was a few days after the event that rocked your world. Little had you known, that it had rocked both Jirou and Yaoyorozu's worlds too.

And they were conflicted.

"We'll have to hurry up..." Jirou added, glancing precariously down the hallway. "Mr. Aizawa will catch onto the fact that we aren't actually in homeroom. And Mina can only cover us for so long."

"You're correct, as always," Yaoyorozu nodded, casting her girlfriend an adoring glance.

"...So. Y/N likes us both then."

With a soft sigh of exhaustion, Yaoyorozu hummed in agreement to Jirou's statement. "It certainly is an interesting predicament we've found ourselves in..."

"Interesting—" Jirou chuckled mid-sentence. "...That might be an understatement."

A tense silence fell over the two lovers, uncertainty shining through in their refusal to speak.

Neither of them knew what to say.

"...This is stupid!" Jirou finally exclaimed, letting out a huff of frustration. "Can't we just... talk about it?"

"There isn't anything stopping us," Yaoyorozu chuckled. A tired smile appeared on her lips. "...But we should be honest with each other, right?"

"Yeah..." With a nod, Jirou inhaled a deep breath. "...Yeah, you're right."

"...I've been feeling romantic interest for Y/N lately."

Jirou shot her taller girlfriend a surprised look at the sudden confession, nearly stumbling from her squat. "You... what—?"

With a gentle shush, Yaoyorozu hurried over to her girlfriend's side in a worried manner. "I apologize! I have not acted on such feelings, but it may be the reason why Y/N has started enjoying our presence..."

"No, it's okay," Jirou smiled, putting a hand on Yaoyorozu's shoulder. "Honestly? I've... been feeling the exact same..."

"About Y/N...?" Yaoyorozu looked surprised, humming in thought when she saw the nod of approval from Jirou. "Perhaps... Perhaps we can do something about this."

"Do something about it...?" The navy-haired girl echoed with a look of confusion printed across her face. "...What do you mean by that?"

And so, in the safety of the empty hallways and closed doors, Yaoyorozu whispered a suggestion to her girlfriend. A suggestion that lifted a small weight off Jirou's shoulders.

"A... polyamorous relationship...!" Jirou suddenly exclaimed, stifling a laugh when Yaoyorozu gently shushed her once again. "...I had thought of that, but..."

Jirou glanced down at the floor, twirling her earjacks around her fingers. Her figure slumped heavily down, nearly causing her to stumble in her sulking. She glanced wearily over to her girlfriend, a worried look on her face.

"...Are we ready for that?"

Yaoyorozu gave her girlfriend an odd look. "Is it not virtually the same as a monogamous relationship...?"

"Well—!" Jirou blushed with embarrassment, hurriedly picking herself up. "...Yes and no!"

"I think... I think that more effort goes into a polyamorous relationship because you have to focus on two different partners..." Jirou explained, twiddling with her earjacks. "...I'm just worried we'll accidentally leave Y/N out."

With an understanding smile, Yaoyorozu embrace Jirou. "—That's why we have to at least try, right?"

"Yeah..." Jirou nodded briskly, lightly slapping her own cheeks. "Yeah, you're right, per usual." She heaved herself back up into a standing position, letting out a long sigh.

"Let's just hope we can catch her long enough to talk about it," Jirou teased, placing a hand on her hip. "...My bet is that Y/N is gonna try to avoid us."

In response, Yaoyorozu chuckled. "Yes, that is highly plausible for her..."

With newfound conviction, both Yaoyorozu and Jirou headed back to class, equally as excited to talk to you.

Little did they know that you were a bit more slippery than they thought.

(Word Count: 670)

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delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now