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"Fresh as a fucking daisy!"

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"Fresh as a fucking daisy!"


"What if I just die here? Right now. On the spot."

"Y/N, you're being dramatic."

You turned to look at Hitoshi, rolling your eyes at the rude remark. "No, let me combust. Maybe I'll explode from embarrassment before we even get to the front door!"

You, Hitoshi, and Eijiro were all squished in the back seat of your family car, your mom and ma conversing with each other in the two front seats.

"Why couldn't I have driven?" Your mom frowned, crossing her arms as she stared at her wife.

"You know why," Ma replied, letting out a sigh. "You are notoriously bad at driving, hun."

"I'm not that bad—" your mom turned in her seat, glancing at the three of you. "..Right?"

"Eeeehhh.." you whined out, putting your hand up and doing a little hand tilt. "You haven't crashed the car, so that's a start..?"

"Y/N!" Eijiro elbowed you, making you groan. "That's not nice!"

"No no," your Ma corrected, glancing at her children from the rearview mirror. "I enjoy Y/N's opinion. Don't interrupt."

"You're just saying that because it proves your point!" Mom half-heartedly grumbled at her wife, letting a chuckle escape her lips right after.

Your moms were always a bit weird in your opinion, but y—or, Eijiro had to get it from somewhere right?

"Anyways.." Hitoshi interjected, glancing at you with a sigh. "We were invited for a reason. You'll be fine!"

"Ugh.. I hate when you make sense," you put your hand on your face, letting it drag down your skin before you groaned. "Fine, fine.."

"Good," Hitoshi paused, his eyes widening as he suddenly turned to poke your shoulder. "..And try to behave! Don't set anything on fire like last time you were at a sleepover!"

"Okay!" You shouted, putting your hands up in surrender and self-defense. "I'll try to play nice."

"We all know you're just saying that," Eijiro pat your shoulder. "You were never going to play nice."

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now