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"Something always has to go wrong when you're around!"

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"Something always has to go wrong when you're around!"


"...This is going to be awkward."

You stiffly hid behind Hitoshi as you approached U.A, the bus already in sight before you. Gently, your fingertips fiddled with the strings attached to your hoodie.

"Well, that's your own fault for avoiding them all this time," Hitoshi shrugged, glancing past his shoulder at you. "—Wait, shouldn't you be with your brother...?"

"Nah," you swatted your hand. "He decided to spend the night at his boyfriend's house and then come to the bus."

It was finally time for your mandatory trip to the woods, as ordered by Aizawa. Normally, you might have been excited for it.

But you only felt dread as Class 1-A came into view.

"Finally," Aizawa murmured, beckoning you two closer. "You're both late. Don't you have an explanation...?"

"Sorry, we we're too busy vandalizing your car in the U.A parking lot," you shrugged, sighing when Aizawa gave you a tired look. "...Fine, we slept in by accident."

"Of course..." the teacher sighed, pinching the space between his eyes. He felt like a graying parent. "I'm not surprised. Just get on the bus."

You and Hitoshi shot your teacher and equally smug expression before running away from his red glare. Hurrying onto the bus, you scoped out the area for a seat. "Hitoshi! C'mon let's—!"

"—Hold it right there you two!"

An irked expression crossed your face as you glanced over to who just yelled at you. Tenya Iida, who you recalled as the Class 1-A president, shot a stiff hand to block you from the aisles.

"We have assigned seats on this bus!" He announced, adjusting his glasses as he spoke. "I implore that you please follow the rules...!"

How boring, you thought, letting out an audible sigh as you did. From beside you, Hitoshi looked over at the seating chart held in Iida's hands. "We're not sitting next to each other...?"

"What...!?" You sprung up from your slumped position, violently shoving Hitoshi aside so you could see the clipboard. "—Damn, this is homophobic..."

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