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"But I made biscuits man!"

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"But I made biscuits man!"


Despite your rather enlightening conversation with Kota, you still couldn't act on your newfound knowledge.

Because you were still getting punished.

"But Mr. Aizawa!" You stumbled drearily after your teacher, attempting to convince him to postpone your punishment. "Can we do this later? I kinda need to talk to Kota's aunt? The uh—red one?"

All you got in response was a rough grumble, which obviously didn't ease your nerves. After a few seconds of contemplating, you simply...

...Gave up.

Aizawa glanced backward. "Good, you finally shut up," he huffed, leading you away from the cabins. "Now, normally, I'd make you do some extra training," the man proceeded to give you a hard glare. "However, we need you to save your energy for tomorrow so I'm making you clean dishes in preparation for dinner."

"Fantastic," you mumbled sarcastically, letting out an awkward cough when Aizawa's eyes began burning red. "Uh—um, I meant that that's amazing! I'm actually so excited to clean plates, haha.. ha..."

Aizawa gave you a dead look. "...I'm sure you are."

He led you into a building and to a large kitchen area, where you found a woman working dutifully at the dishes. "...Sosaki, you've got a slave."

The woman turned around, blowing a bit of burgundy hair away from her eyes. "Oh, you must be the favorite Kirishima!" She smiled kindly. "Shota here has told me so much about you...!"

"Interesting," your somber frown morphed into a teasing smile as you glanced at your teacher, "...you described me as the favorite Kirishima?"

Aizawa gave you a pointed look, causing you to chuckle nervously and make a zipping motion with your lips. The man sighed, giving you a loving ruffle of your hair. "...I picked it up from Mic. Now, go help Sosaki and I might let you join me in welcoming the rest of the students later."

With a sudden shimmer of excitement, you saluted. "Aye aye, Mr. Aizawa!"

"Get out of here."

With a newly-energized grin, you hopped over beside the burgundy-haired woman, eagerly grabbing a pair of gloves and getting to work.

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