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"That's just the trust issues talking!"

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"That's just the trust issues talking!"


"Fuck!" You cursed, storming into the cabin and slamming the door.

Your mind was running a million miles a second, words forcing themselves into your head.

What do you know about rejection?

A huff escaped your lips as you lowered yourself down the wall, sitting down on the floor with your head in your arms. That's right... You sighed, biting your bottom lip. I almost forgot about him.

A memory shoved itself into your brain; from before high school even began. You released a quiet breath, bracing yourself as you remembered.


You booked it out of the classroom, excitement filling your eyes. There was only one person you longed to see right now.

From afar, a lilac-haired boy watched you leave, shrugging his shoulders before returning to his solitude. He didn't have time to worry about random strangers when he was planning to submit an application for the best hero school.

You continued through the hallways, searching for the upperclassman classes. Skidding to stop, you poked your head in. "Hello...!"

Most ignored you, but one got up with a sly grin. "...Hey babe."

"Good morning there Hiroto!"

Hiroto Kenta was an... interesting boy. He ruled over the school with a cruel thumb. He was tall, overpowering, and someone that people did not want to mess with.

But for some reason...

You bounded over, laughing as you draped yourself on the boy's back. "Hey! Isn't today a special day?"

Hiroto chuckled, leading you out of the classroom. "Yes, yes... happy birthday Y/N."

Your expression turned serious, a frown on your face as you hopped off his back. "Hey Hiroto..." you led him to a secluded hallway, twirling your hair with a soft smile. "I think... I finally want to tell you my quirk!"

"That's great!" Hiroto smiled, leaning back against the wall. "Well? What is it?"

After primary school, in which you naively admitted your quirk, you were always left on the sidelines. It was so bad, that your moms had moved you and your brother to a different school. And after everything, you promised yourself it wouldn't happen again.

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now