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"I thought you were bae

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"I thought you were bae. Turns out you're just fam!"


It had been a week or two since your conditional training began, practically exhausting both you and Hitoshi to no desirable means.

Day after day, Aizawa and Mic encouraged you to train 'til you dropped, though that didn't mean that it wasn't working.

But it was still a drastic change from your regular schedule.

"I'm gonna fucking crash..!"

"Don't you dare—! Oomph—"

You had rushed into your room, desperate to lay down and rest your aching legs after training. Unluckily, Hitoshi was already sprawled onto your bed, for whatever reason that may be but most likely due to the same exhaustion.

"Y/N, did you eat a whole truckload of food or something..!?" Hitoshi joked, trying to shove you off his stomach before ultimately giving up. "Is this what death feels like?"

"Shut up!" You whined, letting your head fall back into the blankets. "Rest now, talky later.."

You both lay down in silence, staring at the ceiling in total serenity before you could hear a door slam downstairs.

"There's a friend here to see you," one of your moms peeked in, dragging along a familiar electric-blond teenager. "Have fun!"

"Kaminari..!" You shouted, forgetting your pain and bouncing off the bed to hug the boy. "Hitoshi, it's your boyfriend!"

"No, really?" He rolled his eyes. "I thought it was the mailman coming inside to give you a kiss."

"The huh..!?"

Hitoshi cackled at his own odd humor, rolling off the bed and landing with a harsh thud. "Anyway.." he dusted himself off as he stood, walking over to swing an arm around his boyfriend's shoulder as if he didn't just make a fool out of himself. "What're you doing here, sunshine?"

"I come bearing an invitation..!" Kaminari grinned mischievously, bowing in an overly elegant manner. "..From Class 1-A!"

"Really?" You questioned, your interest suddenly peaked by the sudden notice. "What's the invitation for?"

"Well, we just came back from our internships," Kaminari began, humming slightly as he pulled out his phone. "The class thought that a sleepover would be a good way to chill out and de-stress and whatnot."

You suddenly heard an alert from your phone. Pulling it out of your pocket, you noticed an address attached to a text detailing the time and what to bring from Kaminari. "Who's house is it at?"

"Oh, it's at Yaoyorozu's house," he explained nonchalantly, not noticing the look of glee on your face. "She basically owns a mansion..!"

"Yaoyorozu..!" You exclaimed, patting your cheeks rapidly to try and get rid of your blush. "Is Jir—I mean.. is all of Class 1-A going to be there?"

"Yeah..?" Kaminari sent a confused glanced toward you.

"Y/N has the hots for your two classmates, what're their names.. Yaoyorozu and Jirou?" Hitoshi glanced to Kaminari, who confirmed the names with a small nod. Then the tired boy himself smirked. "She insists on being a home-wrecker."

"For the last time, I am not a home-wrecker..!" You argued back, crossing your arms and pouting. "I-It's just some small crushes! I'll get over it!"

"Dude, no offense or anything," Kaminari chimed in. "You looked totally whipped when we were just talking about it."

Both Hitoshi and Kaminari laughed, causing you to laugh along with them. But your laugh was a lot more strained than you'd probably like it to be.

Because you were seriously considering the fact that you were indeed whipped, and that you were basically fucked if the feeling turned into more.

And despite your usual attitude, the idea frightened you.

"Say, where's your brother?" You perked up at Kaminari's question. "Kirishima would usually be at home now, right?"

"Ah he's doing some study date thing with B—" you elbowed Hitoshi in the gut, causing him to sputter and change his wording. "—his crush..! Study date thing with his crush."

If Kaminari didn't know already, then there was probably a good reason why Eijiro wanted to keep his budding relationship with Bakugo under the radar of Class 1-A.

"We don't know where though," you shrugged, sitting down onto your bed. "..Wanna watch some dumb movies?"

Most people would probably be able to tell that you were abruptly changing the subject for your own benefit. But luckily for you, Kaminari couldn't read social cues for shit.

"Hell yeah!" The blond shouted, launching himself at his boyfriend and making him fall onto the bed. "Cuddle pile!"

Without a bit of hesitation, you dived onto the couple, laying across them with a cheeky smile. "I vote for Shrek!"

"Of course you would.."

"Hey! I agree with her!"

(Word Count: 781)

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delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now