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"You're either working hard, hardly working, or my personal favorite, just hard

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"You're either working hard, hardly working, or my personal favorite, just hard."


It was a few days after the sports festival, a time when all U.A students were generously given a short break.

But that time was over.

"Hitoshi, I feel like I'm shaking.." you whined, putting your head down on your desk as the clock ticked down to the end of the last class period. "When's the bell gonna ring!?"

"Trust me," Hitoshi paused, taking a moment to stop his leg bouncing before continuing. "..I'm nervous too."

"..Hey!" One of your classmates walked up to your desk, tilting her head as she smiled. "You two were scouted to go into the hero course right?"

"Yup!" You nodded along, a proud smile on your face. "That's us!"

"Well good luck!" She praised, giving you a small pat on the shoulder before walking away. Luckily, the message seemed to perk you right up. Grabbing your bag, you dragged Hitoshi from his seat and toward the door.

"As soon as the bell rings, we book it!" Smiling mischievously, you locked an arm with Hitoshi. "Got it..?"

"You're gonna drag me around anyway," he remarked with a tired smile. "May as well just agree with your annoying and preppy ass."

"Was that last comment really necessary..?" You pouted, putting on your best puppy face. You suddenly screeched in surprise as Hitoshi's entire hand covered your face.

"Shut up."

"No, you shut up..!"

"I wasn't even saying anything!"

"Ha..! Well, you just did!"

Before Hitoshi could even get another word out, the bell rang. You giggled hysterically, grabbing your tired companion and rushing down the hall.

"We're gonna get caught," he deadpanned, trying to plant his feet into the tiles to slow you down.

"Pfft! No we aren't—!"

Your statement was immediately contradicted when you tripped and face planted into a feminine body, being uncomfortably squished into their torso.

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now