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"Can't I just be lazy?"

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"Can't I just be lazy?"


You awkwardly stood with Aizawa, Sosaki, and one of the other Wild Wild Pussycats at the base of the mountain campsite, twiddling your thumbs as your teacher looked down upon you.

"I said I might let you help me welcome the students," Mr. Aizawa cast you a narrow-eyed look, "...not that you should run over here to do so."

"Well, I was excited!" You argued, jumping in place. "Even you would do the same thing if you were doing something as boring as washing dishes...!"

"—I like how you think, girl!" The other hero cut in, giving you a bright grin and a hearty slap to the back. "And that's why Sosaki does all the dishes for the camp!

From beside the woman, Sosaki narrowed her eyes.

"I'm Pixie-Bob!" The blonde greeted, flat-out ignoring her coworker. "...Or you could just call me Ryuko, if you feel like using my first name!"

"Hi!" You chirped in excitement. "I'm Y/N Kirishima! But call me Y/N, so nobody confuses me with my brother!"

While you and Pixie-Bob excitedly chattered about seemingly everything, a tired group of students trekked out of the forest, letting out varying sighs of relief at seeing the campsite for the first time.

"Sweet unmoving ground!" Kaminari bolted out from the group, collapsing onto the dirt path and pressing his face against it. "Oh how I missed you!"

At his words, the ground wiggled under his face, causing a shriek of panic to erupt from his mouth. Beside you, Pixie-Bob giggled mischievously, retracting her hand and deactivating her quirk. "Sorry kitty! Couldn't resist the temptation!"

"You—" Uraraka stopped to take a deep breath, "...you said it would only take us until noon!"

Til noon? You glanced at your watch, wincing when you spotted the time. They got thrown off at nine-thirty so... almost seven hours!?

"Oops! Guess I was estimating for our own personal time!" Pixie-Bob apologized sincerely, though her devious eyes said otherwise. "...But hey, you still got through it, all in one piece!"

"And surprisingly quick too..."

You watched awkwardly as Pixie-Bob licked her lips, her clawed finger pointing over to where Iida, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki stood exhausted. "Especially you four kitties!"

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