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"Damn, you're one ugly motherfucker

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"Damn, you're one ugly motherfucker."


"Are they gone...!?"

Hitoshi glanced to where you crouched behind a trash-can, an exasperated look on his face. "Yes, now get the fuck up before someone thinks you're a weirdo."

You hopped back up to your feet, releasing a sigh when you poked your head around the corner. "This is a disaster!" You whined, putting your face into your hands. "How did we all come to the shopping mall at the same time...!?

In preparation for the training camp that you and Hitoshi were being forced to attend by Aizawa, you both decided to visit the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall for the supplies you'd need.

And you'd thought it was far away enough to avoid any of the students from Class 1-A.

But because the universe hated you...

"—Oh my god, they're both so pretty..." you hummed, letting out a frustrated sigh as you watched Jirou and Yaoyorozu conversing with the rest of Class 1-A.

"Then go talk to them," Hitoshi rolled his eyes, dragging you into the other direction. "...You've been ignoring them for weeks now. Even Denki told you they wanted to talk."

Yes, you remembered that clearly. Kaminari came over with Hitoshi and practically begged you to go talk to them. Something about Yaoyorozu refusing to help him with his studies, or whatever.

Either way, he ended up kicked out of the house.

"But I just know I'm getting rejected...!" You argued, digging your phone out of your pocket. "Just—ugh! Let's just hurry up and finish our shopping!"

"Sure," Hitoshi shrugged. "Since that's the only reason we came here."

You stopped dead in your tracks, a surprised look on your face. Once it shifted to annoyance, you turned abruptly and tugged Hitoshi's ear. "...Wait a minute—you planned this, didn't you...!?"

"I dunno..." Hitoshi grinned evilly, glancing toward you after swatting your hand away from his ear. "It's not like I have a boyfriend in their class..."

You covered your face with your hands. "Oh my god."

"—And it's not like he told me about it."

"...I'm an idiot."

"Yup." Hitoshi popped the p at the end of his comment, leading you into a wilderness store. "Now come on, slowpoke. We need bug-spray and flashlights."

Following Hitoshi in, you depressingly grabbed what you needed and checked out. With a bag dangling from your arms, you excitedly dragged the young insomniac into the food court.

"Hitoshi! Hitoshi! We have to get rice balls!"

"Do you have the money for rice balls?"


"That didn't sound very confident," he rolled his eyes, pulling out his wallet with an exasperated sigh. "...Fine, just give me a second then..."

You placed your stuff down at a table, your gaze wandering the food court as you waited for Hitoshi to return back with your food. Per usual, the shopping mall was packed with people, living their daily lives to their fullest content. But a fluff of green by the water fountain caught your eye.

"Is that Midoriya...?" You hummed to yourself, using your cupped hands as make-shift binoculars.

I thought he was supposed to be with the class, you silently noted that, squinting into your binoculars to see who he was with. That's a whole ass adult...

The other guy with him was taller and lankier, with a friendly arm wrapped around Midoriya's shoulders. If you stared close enough, you could see locks of light-blue hair peeking out of the edges of the stranger's drawn hoodie. He seemed to be leaning into your green-haired friend, his lips making movement as he spoke. But you were too far away to here what they were saying.

"...Must be an older friend or something." With a sigh, you leaned your chin against your open palm. "Fuck! I'm so bored..."

After a few seconds of searching for something to do, you decidedly jumped out of your seat, leaving your bag on the table as you skipped over to where Midoriya was.

Maybe you would say hi; just to say it. It's not as though you were finding an excuse to ask about Yaoyorozu and Jirou!

As you approached the duo, you waved enthusiastically. "Hey Midoriya! Remember me...?"

The boy flinched, glancing over to where you skipped. His companion also looked over, his brows furrowed in annoyance. "...Who are you?"

"I'm Midoriya's recovery buddy!" You declared, pointing directly at the mysterious man. You didn't particularly like how his hands were all over the boy. "The real question is... Who's your pedophile friend, Midoriya?"

The older man scowled in your direction, tilting his head closer to where Midoriya's face was. He leaned toward the boy's ear, his lips moving as he whispered something. Midoriya's eyes widened in fear; something you squinted your eyes at in suspicion.

"I, uh... this is one of my mom's friends!" He explained, a weary smile playing on his lips. "...Y/N, uh—now isn't really a good time..."

Blinking in confusion, you tilted your head. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"...U-Uh... look! Is that Yaoyorozu and Jirou—!?"

"—What!? Where...!?"

At the mention of your crushes, you scrambled in the opposite direction of where Midoriya pointed; which also so happened to be out of the food court.

The greenette watched you leave, a pained look on his face. Both for the fact that Shigaraki had threatened your safety...

...And that he sent you in the exact direction the girls were shopping in.

(Word Count: 915)

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delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now