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"I think I'm the gayest gay to ever gay

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"I think I'm the gayest gay to ever gay."


"The entertainment has arrived!"

Mina skipped into the room, dragging along with her a bored Hitoshi holding a small bowl. She snatched the bowl from his grasp, ignoring the annoyed look he shot in retaliation.

"We all know how seven minutes in heaven works!" Mina exclaimed, plopping herself down onto a couch. "And if you don't.. you're a loser."

The pinkette glanced toward another boy in the room, the one who complimented your quirk, and chuckled.

"H-Hey..!" The greenette with freckles hastily crossed his arms, a pout residing on his lips. "I just never played before.."

"Well, we already explained it to you, so you better remember, Mido!" Kaminari leaned his head onto Hitoshi's shoulder.

"Oh wait," you piped up. "You're Midoriya..?"

"Uh," the boy paused. "Yeah?"

"Recovery Girl was talking about you once," you reminisced, humming a bit as you spoke. "Something about being in the nurse's office a lot?"

"O-Oh yeah.." Midoriya chuckled bashfully, raising a hand to cup the back of his neck nervously. "I have the tendency to break a lot of bones!"

"The fu—?"

"—Okay!" Mina interrupted you, causing a slightly sour look to appear on your face. "We're getting off track here!"

"Who wants to go first~~!"

The room became deathly silent, nobody replying to Mina's question. The pinkette let out an exasperated sigh.

"Damn, y'all are dry," she insulted, digging her hand into the bowl and pulling out a name. "Alright, first we have.. Momo!"

"I must listen to chance I suppose," Yaoyorozu chuckled politely, standing up from her spot on the couch and awaiting Mina's second drawing.

"And the lucky soul going with her is.." Mina paused for dramatic effect, causing you to lean back in order to mask your interest. "..Oh, Y/N!"

You sputtered, letting out a surprised cough when you heard your name called. "Me..?"

"Is there anyone else named Y/N?" Hitoshi chuckled, standing up and pulling you off of the couch. "Come on!"

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now