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"Totally worth it!"


Class 1-A shuffled out of their bus, confused to find themselves seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

"Finally!" Kaminari hopped out of the bus with an enthusiastic shout, stretching his arms high above his head. "...I needed off that bus!"

Suddenly, a short purple blob darted out of the bus, screaming something along the lines of I gotta pee!

The rest of Class 1-A didn't bother to pay him any mind.

Eijirou blinked, looking around the area with a confused expression. He casually leaned an arm on Bakugo, who silently seethed beside him. "Huh... this isn't much of a rest area, yeah?"

"No, you're right," Jirou added, wrapping an arm around one of Yaoyorozu's. "And wheres Class 1-B?"

Aizawa slithered out from inside the bus, tiredly stomping over to the front of the group. But what really set Class 1-A off—as well as frightened them beyond belief—was when their teacher's expression shifted into a devious one.

"You don't really think we just stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?"

Suddenly, a black car pulled up to the clearing. "...Heya Eraser!" a voice boomed from inside.

Aizawa dipped his head, letting out a deep, irritated sigh before addressing the newcomers. "Long time no see..."

Class 1-A marveled at the two cat-themed heroes who launched out of the car, adorning sparkles and smiles. "Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow!"

"Purrfectly cute and cat-like girls!"

"You can call us—" the two women posed extravagantly, waving their big cat-gloves around. "...The Wild Wild Pussycats!"

Expecting a big applause, the duo stayed in pose a while longer. But they received no such thing, amidst Class 1-A's fed-up expressions.

"These are the pro-heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp," their teacher affirmed, letting out a short yawn. "...They're—"

"—They're a four-person hero team who specializes in mountain rescues!" Midoriya exclaimed, effectively cutting Aizawa off with his rambles. "The Pussycats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! This marks their twelfth year working as a—"

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now