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"Assemble the gay troops!"

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"Assemble the gay troops!"


You could almost laugh at the pure confusion on the faces of Class 1-A as they entered the area in which yourself, Hitoshi, and the teachers waited for them.

In fact, you did laugh. Violently.

"Y/N, what are you doing here..!?" Eijiro exclaimed, his bewilderment being overshadowed by his concern. "..Actually, are you okay?"

Instead, you cackled harder, placing your hands on your knees in a desperate attempt to catch your breath. "I just—!"

Hitoshi slapped your back, causing you to sputter and choke on your own spit. "Get it together dipshit."

"—Excuse me." You looked up to see Uraraka meekly raise a hand, glancing between the two of you and the teachers. "..Why are Shinso and Kirishima here?"

Aizawa walked over, making extra sure that you didn't murder Hitoshi before answering Uraraka. "They'll be participating in the final exam. As their own little test, you could say."

After explaining the components of the practical final exam, the teachers began to pair everyone off into groups. It wasn't until everyone was assigned their group had Nezu and Aizawa turned to look at you and Hitoshi.

Somehow, the glare they were aiming toward you caused you to shiver in fear.

"We were thinking about who should go against you two," Nezu spoke aloud, humming thoughtfully. "And we decided to try something... new."

A gust of wind blew throughout the area, making the class stumble and look around in confusion. From the corner of your eye, red feathers flew by.

Oh fuck, you paled.

"Hawks!?" Midoriya exclaimed excitedly, muttering facts to himself. "Wow..."

"I heard that there were some birdies I needed to test?" The man landed on the ground, scanning the crowd until he caught sight of you and Hitoshi. "Ah, there you are...!"

With a nervous chuckle, you glanced toward Hitoshi.

We're so fucked, you mouthed to him.

Hitoshi looked at you, shaking his head violently. Stop freaking out, he mouthed back. We can win.

"Are you two going to just sit there, or are you going to get ready?" You stiffly turned to find Hawks right in front of you, a coy smile playing on his lips.

"Hey there!" You shakily greeted, extending one of your hands. "...I'm Y/N Kirishima!"

"Nice to meet ya'," Hawks bowed, taking your hand and shaking it firmly. Then, he winked, a sly expression on his face. "Don't you two disappoint me during our battle, yeah?"

You frantically nodded, watching as the winged hero joined the ranks of the teachers. As soon as he left, you released a stressed sigh. "You hear that, Hitoshi?" You elbowed your companion, an apprehensive look on your face. "...Time to talk strategy!"

"Y/N, you're shaking like a leaf," the boy teased, lightly jabbing his finger into your shoulder.

"And you aren't?" You whined, leaning your body against Hitoshi's. "You aren't scared we'll be facing off against the number three hero...!?"

"I'm not letting it show, you dumbass..." Hitoshi murmured, his eyes widening for a moment.

Curiously, you lowered your voice to a whisper. "You have an idea, don't you?"

"Mental manipulation." With a glance at your confused expression, Hitoshi began to look elaborate. "Think about it, by acting weak and scared like you were, you're making Hawks underestimate you subconsciously..."

"—Hey, I was not acting weak and scared!"

"...let's continue that." Hitoshi completely ignored your comment, pointing directly at your forehead. "It's a bit underhanded, but it'll work."

"...That's pretty good actually." You murmured, suddenly smiling and patting Hitoshi on the shoulder. "Wow! Never thought you'd have it in you!"

"And what is that supposed to mean!?"

With a sly grin, you nudged your companion in the gut with your elbow, immediately rushing off when he winced and began angrily chasing you.


(Word Count: 635)

(A/N: Hey y'all, sorry about the late and short chapter! This story has been giving me an extreme case of writer's block all June, so I'm trying to go at it extra slow. Thanks for being patient with my crap upload schedule!)

Nyx <3

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