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"I just want all the love!"

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"I just want all the love!"


The sound of people talking had woken you up from your slumber.

Partially woken you that is.

You let out a loud yawn, looking around the room you were laying in. It was the nurse's office, you realized hazily, glancing toward the window. If you focused, you could see the sun in the distance.


Yaoyorozu and Jirou poked their heads in through the curtain surrounding your bed simultaneously, a worried expression spread across both their faces.

"Are you okay?" Yaoyorozu hurried in, lightly pressing the back of her hand against your forehead. "You aren't sick I hope..."

A giggle erupted out of your throat against your will, your body instinctively moving to grab the black-haired girl's hand. "...Warmy warm..."

Yaoyorozu shot you a concerned look, watching as you cuddled her hand against your cheeks. "...Y/N?"

"Hmm...?" You hummed in confusion, looking up with lidded eyes. "...Pretty girl!"

"I...I'm sorry?" Yaoyorozu grew flustered, gently trying to take her hand back before realizing that your grip was too tight.

"She seems out of it," Jirou frowned, coming up to you on the other side of the bed. "Y/N, hey, how many fingers am I holding up?"

You glanced to Jirou and her raised hands, a giggle escaping your lips. "Twelvey-two thousand!"

"...You may be right," Yaoyorozu chuckled, watching as you reached out toward her girlfriend's hands and attempted to grab them. With quick reaction time, Jirou held her hands high so you couldn't reach them.

"Oh, is Miss Kirishima awake?"

Recovery Girl poked her head through the curtain, an amused look on her face once she saw the situation. "Ah, I should've warned you," she began. "Miss Kirishima's drawbacks tend to make her... a bit delusional."

The woman stepped into the makeshift room, tentatively grabbing a pillow and stuffing it behind your head. "Think of it as a drunken experience." Recovery Girl explained, though seemed worried nonetheless. "...but it didn't last this long the last few times she was in here!"

"Probably because of that new ability she used..." Jirou hummed, leaning into her girlfriend. "—Don't worry! We'll stay here and watch her."

"I appreciate your help," Recovery Girl nodded, aiming to move back out toward the door. "I have to run an errand real quick. Make sure Miss Kirishima doesn't get up!"

The door to the nurse's office quickly creaked behind Recovery Girl, closing with a soft thud.

"Y/N, congratulations on your winning match," Yaoyorozu nodded, not even batting an eye as you continued to snuggle against her hand. "...You surprised us all with your quirk."

"Huh...? Oh yeah!" You slurred out, a faraway look in your eyes. "Atoms...haha..."

The two girls shot each other a puzzled look, but let you continue speaking nonetheless.

"...But you two were good too..." you mumbled out, a sharp yawn escaping your lips. "Y...You guys will be... really good heroes..."

Yaoyorozu reacted first. Her normally calm facial expression softened, a look of awe present on her face. "...You really think so?"

"Yup!" You nodded fervently. "You're smart...! And... super, super, super pretty!"

Much to the girls' surprise, you shot your upper body out of the bed, quickly grabbing Jirou's face with both your hands.

"Hey! What are you—!?"

"You—!" After shouting that, you quickly turned to give Yaoyorozu a gleeful look. "...And you!"

A giggle escaped your lips. "I wanna cuddle... and kiss you...!" Another drunken noise managed to come out of your mouth, making a sort of squeal sound. "...Aaaand all the lovey-dovey shit!"

A blush quickly rose to both their cheeks, their eyes darting to the other before quickly glancing back at you.

Neither of them could respond.

"W...With both of us?"

Before you could properly answer Yaoyorozu's question, the door to the nurse's office swung open, and with it, came a quick Recovery Girl.

"Alright, I... hm?"

With a flash of embarrassment, Jirou tore her face away from your hands, practically flying over to where Yaoyorozu stood in silent shock. "—Oh... hey Recovery Girl."

The healer glanced silently between you and the couple before showing off a knowing smile. "Alright, alright," she sighed, approaching your bed with slow steps. "You two can leave if you need. I can take care of Miss Kirishima for now...!"

"Yeah..." Yaoyorozu mumbled out, a dazed smile on her face. "Pardon us for the quick exit!"

"Ah, it's not a problem," Recovery Girl replied, turning away and waving her hand toward the door. "Now shoo! I have a student to tend to!"

And just like that, the duo left, walking silently with bated breath and unanswered questions.

But they both knew that a conversation was needed.

(A/N: I think I need to show y'all the final notes I have for this chapter lmao

Before she can answer, recovery girl is like "wassup homos, time to do healing shit" jirou and Momo are left to talk to each other and discuss what the fuck just happened. End of chapter. That's it, those are the notes.

And I think it's BEAUTIFUL. Also, if it wasn't obvious, this chapter is a little rushed. For the sake of my mind, I wanted to get out another chapter before I rush back to the planning grind. Because as of now, I have no other filler plot or anything solid for this book. But anyway, watch out for them updates y'all!

Nyx <3)

(Word Count: 913)

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delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now