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"I've got the element of surprise, bitch!"

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"I've got the element of surprise, bitch!"


"Does that make sense?"

Hitoshi stared at you with a dumbfounded look, his brain short-circuiting from the word garble you just spat out at him about strategy. "...Not at all."

You outwardly groaned, lightly hitting yourself in the leg. "Hitoshi, we have to beat Hawks!"

"But how!?" Hitoshi flicked your forehead, causing a whine of pain to escape your lips. But the boy only looked apathetic toward your antics. "All you did was rant for ten minutes about how cool flying would be, you little shit!"

"That's not true!" You huffed, crossing your arms against your chest. "...Okay, well maybe it's a little true..."

"—Wait, I've got an idea!"

You leaned over to whisper into Hitoshi's ear, glancing suspiciously into the corners of the room.

Hawks could be listening of course.

"That's... not too bad actually." Hitoshi nodded along, resting his chin on his open palm. "...Alright, I'll bite."

"Team Brain-over-Brawn!" You cheered enthusiastically, grabbing Hitoshi's other hand and forcing it upwards in a winning stance. When you glanced over at his bored expression, you gently nudged his shoulder in a teasing manner. "Come on...! I know you wanna!"

The purple-haired boy let out a sigh, the corners of his lips twitching up into a small smile. "...Team Brain-over-Brawn."


A gentle knocking sound brought your attention to the doorway, your smile widening when you saw Recovery Girl.

"Come on you two," she ushered, sticking her cane out at your legs to hurry you up. "...Your match is next!"

"Great!" You cheered, linking an arm with Hitoshi's and practically dragging him out of the room. "Let's go, let's go already!"

"Slow the fuck down!"

A few minutes later..

"Why the hell are we starting here!?"

You giggled as Hitoshi jumped out of the open-lid dumpster, fake gagging as he looked around.

"Hey, maybe they wanted to put you where you belong," you teased, immediately crying out when a full trash bag came flying toward your face. "—Ew, that's gross!"

"Should've watched your mouth then," Hitoshi shot back, swiftly wiping the invisible dust from the pants of his hero outfit. "...Hey, I think we gotta start the plan now," he whispered.

"...A-Alright," you inhaled deeply, repeatedly curling your open palms into fists.

"...Are you sure you can do this?" The boy beside you questioned, watching you with concerned eyes. "You've only practiced this on a whim once. It's gonna take a lot out of you."

"I can do it," you reassured, a bright grin stretching across your face. "It'll be fine!"

Giving you one last glance of uncertainty, Hitoshi began leading you through the alleyways, occasionally glancing up into the sky. The arena you were in was similar to a city; large skyscrapers ominously looming over you and Hitoshi like a person would an insect.

Nervously, you grabbed Hitoshi's hand. "I—"

A hand pressed against your mouth, Hitoshi's eyes urging you to be quiet. He gently pulled his hand away, pointing up to the sky.

If you squinted, you could see feathers.

That's right, you mentally facepalmed. Hawks can use his feathers to sense where we are. We have a higher chance of escaping if we keep silent.

You hastily nodded toward Hitoshi, making a zipping motion with your mouth. The lavender-haired boy rolled his eyes at your antics, continuing to pull you along the alley.

There were so many twists and turns that it almost seemed like a maze. Knowing U.A, it was probably meant to serve as an extra challenge.

You followed Hitoshi as he turned a corner, but right when he did, you stumbled straight into his unmoving body. "Wh—?"

"Ah, found you."

You nearly jumped out of your skin when a red feather flew toward your face, narrowly missing you by a few inches. You turned to find it stuck in the wall, a couple strands of your red dyed hair pinned underneath the sharp edge.

"Thought you could escape without me noticing you?" Hawks chuckled, swooping down and leaning against one of the brick walls. He raised a finger, moving it side-to-side in a disapproving manner as he tutted. "Not very smart kids!"

You glanced toward Hitoshi, noticing his eyes already watching you. He nodded, giving you a tired smirk before running into a direction.

"Hey, leaving so soon?" Hawks laughed, flaring his wings out in preparation to run after your teammate. You quickly ran in his way, stretching out your arms to prevent him from seeing Hitoshi.

"N-Not so fast—!" You huffed out, brows furrowed in concentration. "...Dumb chicken!" You blurted.

"Dumb chicken?" Hawks echoed, a frown on his face. "Ouch... right in the feels, kid:"

You took a step back, inhaling a deep breath. Here it was. The skill you had been trying to develop in secret.

A ghost of a smile appeared on your lips. "I'm going to hurt more than just your feelings."

And that was when white wings sprouted from your back, taking Hawks and yourself by surprise.

(Word Count: 849)

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