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"Eat my dust!"


After you and Eijiro got brutally murdered, the culprit of said murder finished making breakfast and the class sat down to eat.

"Kacchan, I didn't know you were such a good cook!" Kaminari commented, cheerfully stuffing food into his mouth. "So good..!"

"Oi, you're gonna choke if ya' eat that fast!" Bakugo stomped over, angrily slapping the other's back. "And don't call me that!"

Kaminari choked back his food regardless, sending the ash-blond a dirty look. "Let me eat in peace!"

"I'm tempted to agree with Kaminari," Yaoyorozu added, politely cutting herself a piece of her pancake. "This food is exemplary! Thank you Bakugo."

The regal girl hummed, chewing on her food. "Though, you really didn't have to," she sighed. "I was going to have my maids prepare us some breakfast.."

As if his hand was caught in the cookie jar, Bakugo recoiled, his face alight with embarrassment. "Tch! Well.." he quickly turned his head to the side. "..Well I didn't know that!"

And then you all thought the same thing: He definitely knew that, he just wanted to find an excuse to cook for the class.

"Anyway," Mina piped up, a grin gracing her face. "This is still super good!"

The class seemed to chatter in agreement, a few minutes passing as everybody finished their breakfast and people began to leave. Subconsciously, you wandered over to Eijiro, Hitoshi, and Kaminari.

"Shinso, you coming home with us?" Eijirou asked, pointing immediately between the purple-haired boy and his partner. "..Or are you both coming with us..?"

"Denki doesn't have anybody to drive him home," Hitoshi shrugged, sending you and Eijiro a questioning glance. "Your moms have another row in the back of their car, right?"

"Righty-o!" With a little hop, you nudged your brother with your elbow. "We have plenty of room on the old hot-bitches-mobile!"

Eijiro had a look of dread on his face. "Please don't call it that."

You let out an offended gasp, feigning dramatic emotion. "Eijiro, are you saying I'm not a hot bitch..!?"

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now