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"I don't even know what to write for these anymore!"

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"I don't even know what to write for these anymore!"


"...So you thought you could get away with it!?"

Forcing down your anxiety, you glanced up at Aizawa's angered expression. "Uh... no?"

You and Aizawa were in front of the cabins, your head hung down while your teacher lectured you. You didn't have the heart to tell him that you were avoiding your romantic problems.

Was it worth it though? Absolutely.

"Well, to be fair, I was going to join back up with everyone but then you threw them off the cliff and I didn't feel like taking a dive!" You stubbornly argued, crossing your arms. "If anything, this is your fault."

Then, your words registered to you. "Wait, fuck! What I meant to say was that—"

"Enough Kirishima." Aizawa's eyes burned bright for a moment, looking down at you with an irritated expression. "...For the love of all that is holy, please stay here if you want to avoid punishment, got it?"

"...Y-Yes sir!" you awkwardly saluted, letting out a sigh as Aizawa gave you a glare and walked in the opposite direction. "...Dang."

With a bit of shame, you sat on the porch of the cabin, pushing the dirt around with the heel of your shoes.

This sucks! you complained in your head. This is what I get for impersonating Hitoshi, lying to Yaoyorozu and Jirou, talking back to Mr. Aizawa... wow, I've done a lot of shitty things recently.

But you just shrugged. "...Eh, this probably doesn't affect me as a person."

"What doesn't affect you as a person?"

"—Waaah! What the fuck...!?"

You kicked at the dirt in surprise, turning to look at your attacker before making your face go blank. "...Oh, it's you."

The child from earlier—Kota, if you remembered correctly—stood in front of you, narrowing his eyes.

But unlike before, Kota seemed nervous. His shoes awkwardly scraped the dirt, whilst his hands busied themselves with each other. The boy's eyes turned to you; slowly. "...Hey."

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now