Gabe/Dean/Cas 1 Part 2

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(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine Dean needs to see hellhounds again, but the glasses have an unexpected added feature; they allow Dean to see angel wings, continued

"You okay?" Sam asks, looking over at his brother as the older Winchester suddenly jolts. Dean is sitting completely still, gritting his teeth and looking straight at the movie on the TV. The closest person in the room to him is Gabriel, but the archangel is on the other side of the large couch in the bunker living room.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Dean says, hardened eyes not leaving the TV screen.

"Yeah, sure." Sam says. He looks at his brother after a while, still not used to seeing him in glasses. The angels, Cas in particular, insisted that the hunter was to constantly wear the glasses, and they even gave him some angelic contacts or something for when Dean doesn't or can't wear the glasses. "Alright, I'm going to bed. Night." Dean looks panicked as his brother leaves the room and when the door to his brother's room closes he practically scrambles away from Gabriel. Well, he tries to, but an invisible wall blocks his escape route. Castiel doesn't look up as Gabriel unleashes his full wingspan, wrapping three of his huge wings around Dean and pulling the struggling hunter closer to him until he's able to lean against him.

"Relax, Dean." Castiel mutters from where he releases his wings to full size. The damn angel doesn't even look away from the TV. Dean still whines and tries to shift away but Gabriel has three wings around him along with his arms, and the archangel is resting his head on the hunter's chest. This time Dean can't deny that he whimpers and Gabriel tightens his hold on him encouragingly as he lets his other three wings fold over the two. Dean is sitting stiff as a board but he seriously can't help but feel protected with the two angels who haven't let him out of their sight for more than five minutes for the last three weeks. Dean, once again, dozes off while in Gabriel's hold. It's beginning to become a common thing and it's annoying the older Winchester brother. Mostly because both of the angels are missing when he wakes in the morning every time without fail.

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