Charlie 1

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine meeting Charlie at Comic-Con

You cuss as your friend stumbles into somebody you can't see behind his towering frame. "Chris! Dude I'm so sorry!" You shout at your friend then apologize to whoever he's probably crushing. You pry Chris off of the person to see it's a chick. A very hot chick. A very hot chick who just gave you a one over and then smirked a bit and oh god now you're blushing.

"It's fine. He's a bit of a hugger, isn't he?" The woman asks, bright eyes boring into your (Y/E/C) pair. You duck your head a bit, trying to make your face less red somehow. You can feel the redhead smirking at you.

"Yeah. Don't let security find out he's drunk off his ass. He got a bit too excited at a nearby bar. I'm not exactly sure how he got in, but he's usually good at hiding how drunk he is. This is Chris, by the way. He'll be sober-ish again in about half an hour." You ramble, trying to get the woman's intense focus off of you. Damn that smirk. It shouldn't be affecting you as much as it is. The woman sees you trying to change the subject and smiles.

"I'm Charlie." She introduces herself, holding out a hand. You see the long sleeve and a slight outline and then smile.

"(Y/N). Genderbent Wolverine?" You ask, motioning up and down her body. That you totally hadn't been staring at. At all. Nope. Not staring at it this very moment either.

"Surprised you caught on. Genderbent Nightcrawler?" She motions down your body, not even trying to hide her lingering gaze. Your face turns red again, about fifty shades deeper than before.

"Yeah." You mumble, and you hear your best friend, (name), cackling somewhere in the background.

"So, do you want to go get some dinner tomorrow? Maybe a drink or two after that?" Charlie asks, and your blush worsens at her tone.

"I- uh, I'd like that." You all but whisper, and Charlie's smile is almost blinding.

"Great! This is my number, text me your address and I'll pick you up around four tomorrow." Charlie writes a number on your hand in a black pen that appeared from basically nowhere. "See you tomorrow." She winks before turning around and walking back to two towering men, both dressed as Avengers. You see Charlie jump a bit happily and fist bump the smaller one, which is at least six foot one.

"Holy shit." You whisper, still red, as you turn to (best friend's name) and Chris. Both of them are cackling and smiling at you. You cuss them out under your breath before stalking off towards the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face.

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