Michael/Reader/Lucifer 1

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine the reader, a rebellious angel who knew Michael and Lucifer in the past, is alive during the apocalypse, and when Michael and Lucifer hear that the reader still lives, they chase the reader down and try to court them

You had been hiding from them for years, knowing that they'd track you down as soon as they had a glimpse of your grace. But it's Cas. It's your twin brother. He's alive. And he's developed emotions just like you have. And you tried as hard as you could to keep hidden as you tried to stop Lucifer from rising. But it didn't work. And you've been with Team Free Will since then. You knew it was bound to happen, they would find you again. But you thought you'd have a longer time to reunite with your brother and befriend the Winchesters. And now that you have, you need to leave. Because now they're in trouble. They're in trouble and it's your fault and you can't let them get hurt because of you.

"Hello, (Y/N)." A deep voice greets behind you. You whirl around, pausing with your toothbrush still in your mouth. You jump backwards, catching the toothbrush and rinsing quickly. The dark skinned man waits, his blue eyes focused on you intently. Of course, the most obvious thing to you is the blue-white grace that explodes inside the vessel with an energy like almost none other.

"Michael." You greet, voice shaky as you take a few steps back, moving more towards the center of the motel room you're renting.

"Not expecting me?" The archangel questions, moving towards the flower vase in the room. He takes out the rose, causing the petals to turn ivory. He plays around with the flower before putting it black, not noticing the darkness leaking into the petals, turning the petals raven.

"Not so soon." You whisper, jumping away again as another archangel appears behind you. Now you're cornered. Isn't this fantastic. "I gotta"

"You-" Lucifer closes his fist and you let out a cry of panic as chains appears along the base of your wings, making it impossible for you to fly. "aren't going anywhere." You make a small sound of fear as your wings become visible. Onyx feathers drip with gold grace dripping from them like water. But instead of falling to the floor the grace simply disappears. You make a small noise as you move back to the wall, your wings lowered and trembling slightly. Your grace is visible.

"Now, now, Lucifer. That's no way to treat (Y/N)." Michael says with a smirk that causes your blade to slip into the hand behind your back as your wings ouch the wall.

"He's/SHe's/They've gotten away from me once. Why should I allow him/her/them to do so again?" Lucifer questions, his pale eyes locking onto your wings, tracing the silver chains without actually touching them.

"No, that wouldn't be a good idea." Michael agrees, also turning to stare at you.

"Oh shit." You whisper, backing up until your wings are flat against the wall. Twin smirks are the only reply you get.

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