Dean 10

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

This'll be at the end because you'll probs figure it out and I don't wanna spoil this

The first time you saw him had been on a hunt. You had almost collided with both him and his taller brother while you tried to get to the officer and flash your badge first. The two had glared at you a bit before adding you onto the partner list, letting you hop on with slightly nervous expressions. But, when you didn't call them out as fakes they knew that you were also a hunter. His green eyes had drawn you in, and his sass and smile had made you want to stay. Neither of you could have even guessed what would happening in the following years. Neither one of you could even think about how it would end.

The first date the two of you went on was for a date. You hadn't truly like Dean Winchester yet. You'd still been nervous around him and Sam. The feeling could probably be called well placed caution. Maybe even mistrust. It didn't matter, though, because the two of you had to pull off the happy couple act to catch that damned cupid. It had worked, but you'd walked out of that hunt with something twisting in your guts and heating your heart slowly. Almost unnoticeably.

Then the two of you went on a real date. It wasn't for a mission, and it wasn't to draw anything out. It was because the two of you felt the same heat and saw the same glow that surrounded the other. A glow that looked like gold and smelled of chocolate and drew the two of you in before you could stop it. It was just a regular coffee date. Nothing special about it, and nothing unusual happened. But it was a start. The start of something huge. Neither of you truly felt it, but it had been there. An air of importance and something thick surrounding the both of you while you sipped coffee and ate pie tasting like cinnamon and apples.

It had been on the seventh date that you kissed for the first time. You can still remember how his lips tasted. Like cinnamon and the whiskey you two had been sipping the entire date. You can replay over and over in your mind how it felt to bite Dean's bottom lip. The gasp of surprise that it had drawn from the man. You remember how his rough hands had felt on your midback and the back of your neck. It had started slow and passionate, but the roughness that followed led to a night that you couldn't forget even if you wanted to. Not that the thought had ever crossed your mind.

Maybe it was the fact that you two were and are hunters that rushed things along so quickly. Not that either of you regret it. Not at all, and never in a million years. You'd been going through the town you had your first date on, and decided to stop for food. At the same place of your first real date. And that's when Dean pulled out the ring. A band made of iron on one side and silver on the other, broken in the middle by black diamonds. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

You think that Dean may have felt a bit guilty that the two of you had to be married in Vegas, but you honestly never really minded. You two had rings and the love that had grown for years, and you never really pictured having one of those huge weddings. No dresses and tuxes/(just) tuxes were ever in your picture. No huge chapel with twisting columns had been in your dreams. You had doubted you'd ever actually find somebody when you became a hunter. It's just more proof that you and Dean were meant for each other.

It shouldn't have surprised you that your life ended with Dean. You always knew it wouldn't be old age or a disease that killed you. At least you went out with a meaning. While saving the most important thing to you. Of course, Dean's horrified look wasn't what you wanted to see last. You don't regret anything, though. You couldn't let Dean die. Not for you, not for Sam, not for Cas. You couldn't let him die for anybody. So of course you jumped in front of your husband when the gun aimed at him was fired.

The last colors you saw were the colors of country night skies and lush meadows. The last man you saw was the one you loved the most. The one you'll love even when Death leads you away from a life of caring and passion. Dean Winchester's eyes gaze into yours as your vision starts to fade, darkness creeping in on the edges of your vision. You can smell the coffee from the start of this adventure. You can taste cinnamon and apples and cheap whisky as you start to fall. Dean's arms wrap around you and help you slowly collapse to the floor. The tears that hit your closing eyes remind you of the rain you kissed under. You can barely get out the words before the numbness comes to take you to a place to wait for Dean. A place that will look like a mix of a coffee shop and a large bunker and an old house all wrapped in one.

"I love you. I'll wait for you. Keep me waiting." A scream entirely of pain and anger echoes after you as your heart stops beating.

Imagine taking a bullet for your husband, Dean Winchester, and you die in his arms

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