Destiel 4, 4/?

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This'll basically be a Cinderella!Destiel thing if ya'll want me to continue it

Gabriel pops up out of nowhere behind Dean, and the angel nearly spill his drink when the archangel's hand slams onto his shoulder. "Gabriel what the hell?!" Said angel shouts, green eyes narrowed in mild annoyance that's basically background noise to Dean whenever Gabriel is nearby.

"Dean-o~ How've you been doing?" Gabriel asks, his face splitting smile enough to have Dean ordering another shot. It's weak alcohol that the angel is drinking, and he has a high tolerance, so it's going to take quite a few of these shots to get Dean even tipsy. Dean downs the shot he has now before turning to face his third in command.

"What do you want?" Dean asks right away, a bit weary but not completely untrusting of that glint in Gabriel's gold eyes. The archangel fakes shock and pain, putting a hand over his heart and a forearm over his eyes dramatically. Dean rolls his forest colored eyes at the show, and waits for Gabriel to get over himself.

"That hurts, Dean. That hurts deep. One Caribbean Cruise, put like three cherries on it. Thanks!" Gabriel orders, and Dean rolls his eyes again. "If you keep doing that they'll fall out. Then how are you supposed to see the man I'm trying to hook you up with?" Dean chokes on air at Gabriel's words.

"What?" Dean manages between hacking coughs. Gabriel raises a brow at him.

"You have to dance with everybody anyways. Luci and I have given up our dances to him, too." Gabriel says.

"Lucifer is on board with this?!" Dean almost shouts, still choking a bit on nothing. Gabriel is obviously struggling not to laugh.

"Actually, he was the one to plan all of this. I just hopped on board and sorta took the seat next to the conductor." Gabriel says, slamming his hand into Dean's back when the angel chokes again. "Jesus shit man, breath."

"A bit difficult. Lucifer? As in, quiet but intimidating as hell, nearly emotionless Lucifer?" Dean asks between gasps.

"Yes, one of your second in commands. That Lucifer. Anybody home in there?" Gabriel knocks on Dean's head, causing the green eyed angel to scowl at him. Gabriel smiles back cheekily.

"Alright. I'm on board. Who is he?" Dean asks, looking around and trying not to let Gabriel see his eyes catch on a delicious look man at the other bar. Apparently, he failed horribly.

"The guy you just momentarily drooled over. AKA my little brother. Castiel. He hid his wings again, the fucker. C'mon." Gabriel leads Dean through the masses of angels all trying to dance with the green eyed man. As he approaches Castiel, a scent like lavender and the taste of dark chocolate hits him head on, making him stumble a bit. Gabriel glances back at his friend and smirks knowingly. "Oh Castiel~"

"Fuck." Dean hears a fucking velvety deep voice say, and the source is obviously Castiel. "Hey Gabrie-" The angel cuts himself off when he sees Dean, his electric eyes going wide and his wings sliding into existence in about five seconds. "Shit I-I'm so sorry. I'll pay to have it replaced." He accidentally knocked over like four glasses. Dean stares down at the smaller angel, a smirk settling on his lips as he watches the other angel's pale pair open a bit as he stares at Dean. Chocolate colored wings slide into existence behind Dean, and the angel tilts his head a bit.

"Holy shit this man is gonna eat you alive... Have fun with five dances with him. Tata~" Gabriel smiles before snapping and disappearing. Dean thinks that the terrified but terribly interested expression that falls over Castiel's face is adorable.

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