Crowley 4

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

I'm not exactly sure what to put here...

    It started when he stopped speaking english when talking directly to you. Whenever you caught on to which language he was speaking he would switch again, and now you have no clue what the King of Hell is speaking. A mix of French, Italian, and something else. After he started speaking different languages came the touches. Nothing big at first, just a few stray touches that could easily have been passed off as a mistake.

    But then the demon got more and more daring. Instead of seemingly innocent touches lasted more than a few seconds. A brush across your shoulder ends up going down your spine. You almost hadn't noticed, because he very easily did what he planned to. He practically trained you to be used to his touches. It was only pointed out to you by an angry Castiel, who noticed what was going on when you didn't wince away from a hand on the back of your neck. You hadn't even noticed it. But when Castiel started shouting you became hyper aware of the warm hand on your neck and the demon reading over your shoulder.

    And now, again, you're entirely unaware of the hand on your shoulder and the other on your neck as Crowley moves around behind you.

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