Cas/Reader/Demon!Dean 1

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Major trigger warnings for violence, mental abuse, and physical abuse

(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine the reader is in a relationship with Castiel, but when Dean turns into a demon he wants control of everything (including the reader). When the reader refuses to break up with Castiel after Demon!Dean makes a move on her, Demon!Dean decides to make her regret the decision. But then Castiel catches on

    "You're worthless. Everybody will stop caring about you, even Castiel. How have you  been explaining the bruises, (Y/N)? Do you think he believes you? Does he know you're lying to him and thinks of you like you deserve to be? Does he?" Dean circles you, his eyes completely black. You keep your head down, your lower lip and hands trembling as you just barely hold back tears. "Answer me!"  Dean shouts, backhanding you hard enough to cause your head to whip to the right with a resounding crack.

    "No. No he doesn't." You cough up, some blood coming up with the next few hacks as Dean kicks you in the stomach.

    "He will soon enough." Dean sneers before flicking his eyes back to their green color. He leaves you kneeling over as he walks out of the room, wiping his hand off on his shirt.


    "(Y/N)? Are you feeling well?" Castiel asks, his eyes full of so much worry and love that you almost burst out crying. You just nod, pulling your shirt sleeves down further and hoping you put enough concealer on the huge bruise that's formed on your face. Castiel stares at you, his blue orbs staring into your own (Y/E/C) eyes until you look away a little nervously.

    "Yeah, I'm okay... How's the food?" You ask, your voice sounding a little strained. A lot strained. Like you're about to break down.

    "It's amazing." Cas smiles, obviously trying to get the same reaction from you. At the reminder that somebody actually cares about you like Cas does a small smile does flash across your lips, lightness flickering in your eyes before they fade back to a dullness that has Cas looking more worried than usual. You look down at your phone and wince, getting up.

    "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I-I need to go." You whisper, pocketing your phone and getting up. As you walk away, you don't notice your phone falls out of your pocket as you walk away shakily. Cas picks up your phone, about to call out for you, but then he looks down at the device. His hands start shaking in anger at the 'bitch' that Dean had sent you. You scowls as he unlocks your phone and reads your messages from him. What you do hear is  an enraged "DEAN", and that's when you notice how your phone isn't in your pocket. Castiel appears at the same time Dean does, and his fist connects solidly with the demon's jaw.

    ""Oh, I've been waiting for this." Dean smirks, spitting out blood before shouting angrily and launching himself at Cas. The demon knocks the angel to the floor and begins punching him repeatedly. You scream, rushing forwards slightly but backing up at Castiel's wave. The angel hooks his leg on Dean's back and twists, slamming the demon onto his back. The angel then grabs Dean around the neck after a hard and well aimed punch and lifts him, slamming him against the nearest wall until the demon passes out.

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