Crowley 5, 11/?

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine Crowley saving the reader after some of his demons attack him/her/them, continued again

You're woken up by alarms blaring, and Lucifer barley gives you time to throw on clothes and grab your things before he picks you up and sprints down a hallway. You snap out of your sleepy haze quickly when you realize that you're not in the cage. And neither are Michael and Lucifer. Lucifer is a moving shadow that only you can touch, and Michael is towering ahead. That must be his true form. He's huge and a bit scary looking, but the giant figure keeps shifting from unconnected lines and blinding lights to a glowing version of Michael's vessel. Lucifer quickens his speed, and you cling to him.

Honest to god this is probably how you die. You bury your face in Lucifer's chest, letting out an embarrassing sound of fear as Lucifer barely avoids a jagged rock. Apparently, the release of the archangels caused hell to revert back into a sharp, molten place made of red and nightmares. There's a light ahead, and Michael sweeps a giant arm one more time before he turns and starts running too. The light starts closing, but it's closing very slowly. The two archangels pause in front of it, and Michael glances at Lucifer.

"Are you staying here and fixing up hell, or are you coming back to heaven?" Michael asks, and you tighten your hold on Lucifer's shirt. He carefully works his shirt out of your hands, and he hands you to Michael as you three step through the light. The archangel kisses you passionately before he turns and walks back into the portal. At this end it's the color of hell's sky, but with no dancing lights.

"I'll visit often, (Y/N)." Lucifer promises through the void before it closes fully. You stare at the hole for a while, Michael holding you gently against his side.

"He'll be fine, and Lucifer doesn't lie. I have no doubt that he'll visit as much as he can." Michael murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before he turns. There are two men that burst into the room, guns raised. One has long hair and eyes that can't seem to settle on a color. He stands at about six feet five inches, and he has a few scars littered around his body. The man next to him looks vaguely like him, so he's probably the other man's brother. His hair is much shorter and a dark blonde, and his eyes are a stunning green.

"Michael?" He questions, sounding stunned and highly worried.

"Dean. Take care of him/her/them for us. Please." Michael says, turning to you soon afterwards. "You can contact both of us whenever needed, alright? I need to go fix heaven. It's such a wreck they haven't sensed our returns yet. Goodbye, (Y/N). I'll see you soon." With that, the archangel disappears. You're able to turn and take a step towards the men before the world starts to go dark.

"Shit! Catch him/her/them!" You hear Dean shout, and arms wrap around your stomach and stop you from hitting the floor. An arm sweeps under your legs and the other is against your mid-back. You don't know what happens afterwards, because you promptly pass out.

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