Destiel 4, 5/?

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This'll basically be a Cinderella!Destiel thing if ya'll want me to continue it

Castiel is going to kill Gabriel. The fucker obviously had some idea that Castiel was going to be the King of the angels mate. That or there was just a very high chance that all of his brothers could see. Castiel doesn't hesitate in grabbing Dean's offered hand, and the taller and more muscular angel smirks before leading Castiel out to the dance floor. Castiel's navy wings are stubbornly refusing to move from a submissive position. Which, of course, is causing Castiel's face to be a bright red. It doesn't help how Dean's chocolate wings are perked and spread a bit in a dominant position.

Dean leads in the dancing, staring at Castiel even as the smaller angel ducks his head to try to hide his blush. Dean's eyes soften a bit, knowing that it's very likely that the angel isn't used to public displays of affection. Finding your mate is a rare occurance, so both him and Castiel aren't exactly able to hide their reactions. Personally, Dean doesn't care that others see his reaction to Castiel. It means that they no he's no longer available for anything. Including dancing, thank god. Dean feels eyes watching him, and he glances over the staring angels to see Lucifer watching his brother protectively.

Dean gets the message before it's even sent, so he nods before turning back to Castiel as he spins him. Dean catches Castiel close to him before allowing the angel to continue swaying, still surrounded by Dean. "Odd choice of music. At least to slow dance to." Castiel murmurs just loud enough for Dean to hear him. Dean nods a bit when he actually tunes into the music blaring over the speakers.

"It's a good song, though." Dean mumbles back, still swaying with Castiel's back pressed against his chest. Dean can feel the smaller angel relaxing in his hold, and he smiles a bit into Castiel's neck. It's an odd angle that he's forcing his neck into, but in Dean's opinion it's totally worth it. Especially because of the way Cas keeps shivering every now and then from Dean's breath on his neck.

"It is." Castiel says, humming along to 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' by Def Leppard. Dean nods again, and he can hear Castiel's breathing slowing down a bit at how relaxed the angel is getting.

"Don't fall asleep on me." Dean jokes, smiling into Castiel neck again as Have A Drink On Me by AC/DC blares over the speakers. He can hear Lucifer slap a hand over Gabriel's mouth to block the hoots Gabriel is trying to shout out.

"Mmhmm." Is all Castiel responds with, still swaying but putting most of his weight on Dean. It isn't difficult for the man to hold the angel up, though. He is above archangel status, but Castiel is just a very light being. Dean's phone buzzes noticeably, so Dean shift a bit to hold Castiel more in one arm as he rummages through his pocket. Dean pulls out his phone, staring at the message flashing on the screen.

Take him home tonight -Gabriel

What? Dean replies quickly, glancing at the nearly sleeping Castiel who's becoming putty in his arms as he rubs a bit under one of the angel's shoulder blades. His phones buzzes again so he looks back to the device.

Not that way. Ew. I mean let him sleep at your house tonight. Don't really wanna see R's reaction to you being baby bro's mate. Besides, he's basically asleep on you anyways -Gabriel Dean would argue, but he knows it's true that Cas is falling asleep. Dean isn't against the idea, but he's still a bit angry about why it seems like Castiel would be in danger if he goes home.

Alright Dean sends back, picking Castiel up bridal style. The angel's electric eyes crack open a bit, a confused sound escaping the angel. "Don't worry. You're staying the night at my house. Go back to sleep." Dean whispers. Cas nods before grabbing onto the front of Dean's collared shirt. Dean takes off, laying Castiel on his bed before stepping away. He snaps both of them down to their boxers before he crawls into bed, trying to keep a distance from Castiel so it doesn't end up awkward when the two wake up.

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