Crowley 5, 2/?

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine Crowley saving the reader after some of his demons attack him/her/them, continued

    "Relax." An accented voice orders from behind you when you wake up in a panic. There's a warm cloth against your forehead, and you immediately feel the chain around your ankle. You shoot upwards, groaning as a headache hits you full force, throbbing in time with your racing heart. A somewhat short man is laying on a comfortable bed in the center of the room a few feet away from you. Brown eyes flicker towards you, and the man sighs in exasperation before closing his book and sitting up.

    "Where am I?" You ask in a trembling tone, (Y/E/C) eyes wide, (Y/H/C) hair disheveled, and your chest heaving with each shaky breath. The man puts his book next to him, and holds his hands up as he approaches you. You scramble away from him, but he just pulls a chair up in front of you.

    "Want me to be honest?" The man asks, causing you to stare at him like he's crazy. He rolls his light brown eyes.

    "No shit, Sherlock!" You shout, the fear racing through your body causing the filter you usually use when you speak to just up and leave. The man rolls his eyes, uncaring for the rude words.

    "You're in Hell."

    "What?" You ask, laughing almost hysterically until you notice the man doesn't look humored. "Oh, gods. You aren't kidding."

    "Obviously not, Love." The man says, causing you to grimace at the 'nickname'. You lean against the wall heavily.

    "Who are you, anyways?"

    "Crowley. The king of Hell."

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