Gabe/Dean/Castiel 1, 4/?

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine Dean needs to see hellhounds again, but the glasses have an unexpected added feature; they allow Dean to see angel wings, continued once again

Dean should've figured that the first date would be to a fair. At least the celestial beings had told him that they'd be taking him out beforehand. Dean towel dries his hair, a towel around his waist as steam chases him out of the bathroom. His teeth are clean, his breath smells like mint, and all the blood from the previous hunt has been washed off of his body. Dean jumps as he finds a pair of electric eyes and another the color of the sun watching him when he steps into his room. "What the fuck?" Dean almost shouts, one hand going down to make sure the towel around his waist is in place.

"We're here to pick you up." Castiel states, and Dean's green eyes narrow as he glances at the alarm clock beside his bed. It's six AM on the dot. Of course they're here exactly on time. When else would they appear.

"Yeah. I noticed. Hopefully you've noticed that I'm not ready yet." Dean says, motioning to his attire. Gabriel looks over him, and the tint that appears in his eyes causes Dean to flush a bit.

"Oh, we've noticed. Go style your hair we'll cover the rest." Gabriel says, causing Dean to flush a deeper shade of red before he disappears into the bathroom again. He dries his hair quickly, and when he walks back out he still has a towel around his waist. "Throw this on quickly. I won't wait very long before deciding you need help." Gabriel says, tossing the Winchester a pair of dark grey jeans, a light blue button up, and a black blazer. Dean scowls before heading over to his dresser and grabbing a pair of underwear. "Tick tock Dean."

"Asshole." Dean mumbles.

"Present." Gabriel replies, watching Dean as he disappears into the bathroom again. The hunter appears in the room a few minutes later. Castiel grabs the human's shoulder before Gabriel can do so, and then a rush goes through Dean. When he's aware of his surroundings again, he finds himself in a booth in a restaurant. Gabriel is sitting next to him, he's next to the window, and Castiel is sitting across from him. Castiel is reading a menu, and Dean picks his up after a few moments.

"I thought angels don't have to eat?" Dean says, and Gabriel looks at him, turning away from his menu for a few seconds. He rolls his eyes and turns back to the menu, looking over the breakfast-dessert menu.

"Needing to and wanting to are very different things, Dean-o." Gabriel says, and Dean raises his brow before nodding a bit and turning to the menu again. He notices a little girl looking at him and the angels and smiles, waving at her. The little girl gives a toothy smile back and waves before following her mom again. Dean notices that almost none of the signs on the street are in english at the same time Gabriel gets his attention. By squeezing the inside of Dean's thigh. The fucker.

"What?" Dean asks after jumping, turning to the angel quickly. He sighs heavily at the contact container the archangel hands him. "Really?" He asks. Castiel nods as Gabriel replies to the unasked question.

"It's for the courting thing. You need to see them at almost all times." Gabriel says, and Dean sighs before popping the contacts in.

"Fine. Where the hell are we?" Dean asks instead, and Castiel looks around briefly as Gabriel orders for the three. The archangel only has to briefly read Dean's mind to find what he wants to eat, and Castiel just tells him over their link.

"Somewhere in France, by the looks of it." Castiel says, and Dean nods a bit, not shaking off the arm the Gabriel slings over his shoulders. He won't admit it, but the archangel is damned comfortable. Dean thinks that maybe he'll manage to get through this date without his body reacting embarrassingly, but then Castiel starts dragging his foot slowly up and down the humans leg. Dean then realizes that the angels are probably going to do their best to get any reaction from him. Shit.

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