Team Free Will 1, 3/?

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine Team Free Will taking care of the reader, a little boy/girl, continued

    "Who the hell are you talking to?" Uncle Dean asks as he walks into the room with you and Lucifer, looking straight through your friend. You wave at Dean and smile, but he still looks a bit freaked.,

    "Her imaginary friend." Sam tells Dean, causing you to pout and cross your arms angrily.

    "He's not imaginary. He's real!" You exclaim, throwing your chubby arms out in protest as Lucifer scowls.

    "That hurts, Sam. I'm no closer to being part of her imagination than I am being part of yours." Lucifer says even though he knows Sam can't hear him. That's when Cas wanders in and stiffens, looking around the room. His eyes catch on Lucifer for a moment but then they continue on their path.

    "Cas? What's wrong?" Dean questions, his voice still rough with sleep. Cas focuses on you as Dean continues his conversation with Sam. "You can't tell me that isn't creepy, dude. She/He's been talking with his/her imaginary friend all night. Did he/she even sleep? Did you even sleep?" Dean turns to you on the last question.

    "Yeah." You respond, still playing with your toy cars and planes. "Luci made me. He said that it isn't healthy to not sleep."

    "Luci?" Sam asks, slowly sitting up straighter. "Is that the name of your friend?" You turn to him, stopping your playing for a few moments.

    "That's what I call him. It's a... A..." You forget the word.

    "Nickname." Lucifer fills in for you.

    "Yeah! A nickname!" You exclaim, smiling happily at your friend and then at Uncle Sammy.

    "Cas? Is... Is Luci who I think he is?" Sam whispers, pale and horrified.

    "I am afraid he is... However, he is not intending to harm (Y/N). I am unsure as to what he is here for." Cas turns back to Lucifer, staring at the dark spot in his vision with narrowed eyes. Lucifer shrugs, staring back at his little brother who can't actually see him.

    "I am here to protect (Y/N)." Lucifer informs Uncle Cas, but he doesn't seem to hear him.

    "He says he's here to protect me." You tell Uncle Cas, Uncle Sammy, and Uncle Dean. Dean sits up ramrod straight.

    "Protect you? Protect you from what?" He questions, causing you to turn back to your pale eyed friend.

    "You're a prophet, (Y/N). You're gonna grow up to be a powerful, powerful prophet. I'm unsure as to why Father sent me to be your guardian instead of Michael, but here I am." Lucifer tells you and you turn back to your uncles.

    "He says I'm a... A..."

    "A prophet."

    "A prophet. And that his Daddy brought him back to be my guardian angel." You tell the others, and then a heavy silence hangs in the room between the five of you.

    "What?!" Dean is the first one to break the silence.

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