Dean 3 2/?

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine being an old friend of Sam's and Dean had a legitimate crush on you that is suddenly reawakened when you turn up to be a hunter and on the same case as the boys, continued

"So how did you get into my room again?" You ask, feet kicked up onto the table in front of the couch in your hotel room with a pile of books next to you.

"Not important. Keep looking for any info on the Smoke Monster." Dean says from his place on your bed.

"Smoke Monster? Really Dean? Lost?" You ask from your spot on your couch, leaning forwards so Dean can see your raised eyebrow when it's not being blocked by the Empire State Building of books.

"Shut up." Dean mumbles, and this time you do see the small blush on his cheeks. You smirk a bit.

"You've gotten pretty nerdy, Winchester. I think I like it." Your tone drops a few pitches on the last sentence and you notice how Dean stiffens a bit, his blush becoming much darker.

"Hey, hey, hey. (Y/N)! I am in this room. Keep the bedroom talk out of here!" Sam exclaims, looking ready to throw one of the books he has at you.

"Technically this room is my bedroom but whatever. Winchester logic." You mumble the last bit under your breath and see Sam's eyes narrow. You roll your (Y/E/C) eyes and turn back to the huge ass book in your hands. You turn the page, pretty much slaving over the text as you try to find something.

"Samsquatch~!" An unfamiliar male voice breaks the silence and you're on your feet in minutes. The blade is in your hand before your eyes snap over to Sam to see a short blonde man on the other couch with him, his head in his lap.

"What the hell?!" You exclaim, but Dean grabs your arm before you can stab the golden-eyed man. Your eyes narrow as you look over at Dean, trying to ignore the flutter in your heart at his proximity.

"Don't worry about it, he's not any danger he's just a pain in the ass. What are you doing here, Gabriel?" Dean asks the question with a voice heavy with annoyance.

"You two assclowns and the new member are having problems with the case. I can still sometimes feel Samsquatch's emotions sometimes and damn is he annoyed. And a little embarrassed. And now pretty flustered." The man, Gabe, says.

"Shut the fuck up, Gabriel. get off me." Sam says, shoving at the man who suddenly appeared in your room but somehow the man doesn't budge.

"What the hell is he?" You whisper to Dean.

"Angel. Archangel, actually. Also a grade A pain in the ass."

"What? How did you manage to-"

"Hello, Dean."

"Son of a bitch!" Both you and Dean shout at the same time, causing Gabriel to chuckle. You narrow your eyes but turn back around again, leaning back as blue eyes are suddenly directly in front of yours.

"Who is this?" The man asks and your narrowed eyes flicker behind him. You jump at the sight of huge navy wings and when you turn around again you can see Gabriel has six huge white, gold, and bronze wings.

"Angel?" You ask Dean, motioning to the man invading your personal space bubble.


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