Winchester Brothers 6

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine protecting a young Sam from bullies, immediately getting Dean's attention focused on you afterwards

You knew that Travis and his group were about to fuck someone up as soon as Travis got that glint in his eyes. You waited for the group to start moving before heading in the same direction quickly. You see the group surround a somewhat small boy who's obviously only in either sixth or seventh grade. You appear in front of the boy just as a fist is thrown. The boy's arms fly up as he lets out a sound of fear, and you catch the fist in a crushing grip. A malicious glint appears in your (Y/E/C) eyes before you squeeze harder on the fist before tugging forwards and up. You flip Travis over your shoulder, and a sickening crack sounds from behind you when the teen's arm breaks.

You duck quickly, grabbing the boy you're defending by the arm and tugging him to your other side. The foot scratches your shoulder as it heads back towards the ground, but you twist and grab the leg quickly. You do a full body twist, and the other teen slips and spins once before hitting his face on the cement. You shove the kid away as somebody grabs your arms and yanks them behind your back harshly. When somebody goes for your legs you kick them in the nuts, and then you kick the girl coming at you hard enough for her to fly back about a foot before crashing into a tree. You jump up a bit, putting all your weight onto the dude holding you as your foot connects solidly with another chick's face.

A hand grips your hair harshly and you let out a pained growl, wrenching your head out of their grip. You probably lose a few strands of hair in the process. You slam your head back as the jock of the school flies into the fight, balled fist connecting with the side of a senior's head. The man flies a few feet before hitting the ground roughly, and you wrench forwards a bit, getting more length as the dude holding you is dazed from the headbutt. You may or may not have broken the asshole's nose. You stomp your foot down onto the guy's foot, and he lets out a howl of pain as you then kick backwards and hit him in the junk. You grab the dude's head and then you slam his face onto your knee, another crack sounding off as you break his nose.

Dean fucking Winchester holds the guy still as you punch him repeatedly, and then the other junior shoves the dude roughly. The guy that had been holding you hits the ground with a heavy thud, and you barely remember to make sure everybody is still breathing. You then turn to the kid you got a black eye and quite a few bruises for. "Are you alright?" You ask.

"You okay, Sammy?" Dean asks, green eyes narrowed dangerously as he looks over the little kid. You see a few similarities between the two, and it hits you a few seconds later that this kid is probably Dean's brother.

"I'm good. He/She/They got here before Travis was able to hit me." Sam Winchester mumbles, motioning to you. Dean turns to you, looking you up and down. You're tempted to raise a brow, but genuine worry and respect in the other junior's eyes makes you pause.

"Are you okay? I saw them get you a few times. And I'm pretty sure that's blood dripping down your face. Also, why the hell don't you have a jacket on?" Dean asks, causing you to wince a bit. "Alright, touchy subject. But you never answered me. Are you okay?" You hadn't even noticed that you'd been bleeding. Years of hunting have upped your pain tolerance a fuck ton. That doesn't mean you won't be sore tomorrow.

"Yeah. I'm good, don't worry about me." You mutter, using your button up to wipe off the blood. You stare at the piece of clothing for a few minutes in disgust before tossing it into the snowy field beyond the fence next to you. You pull off the beanie you constantly have in your backpack and you pull it on quickly. A pair of aviator glasses follow quickly to hide the blackeye already forming. Dean pulls a handkerchief out of his back pocket and he fills it with snow before handing it to you. "Thanks." You mumble, holding the coldness against your eye in hopes that it'll make the blackeye a bit less noticeable.

"Here. The heaters aren't working in the school right now. It's bullshit, but I'll be good with my like five layers." Dean says, shrugging off his leather jacket. You hesitate before grabbing it, pale/dark eyes flickering up to Dean's green pair.

"Are you sure?" You ask because you know how important this jacket is to Dean Winchester. He sent a kid to the hospital for stealing it, before.

"Yeah, you need it more than me and you seem trustworthy enough for me to think you'll bring it back tomorrow. C'mon, Sammy. Let's get you to class. See you later, (Y/N)." Dean smiles at you, a genuine smile, before he tosses an arm over his brother's shoulders and steers him towards the entrance. This school has grades one to twelve, so it's really likely that you'll be seeing both Sam and Dean often. As you pull on the jacket that smells like oil and cheap cologne, you can't help but wonder how Dean fucking Winchester knows your name.

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