Chapter 7 : A Date?

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A couple of days passed, and Gage was in his rendition class, he was working on a design on the school computer, it was too quiet at times so students tended to get chatty at this period and the professor didn't mind as long as they did the work.

"Have you guys heard of the architecture firm, Magnum Holdings?" asked one guy sitting beside him, but the other kids shook their heads in response.

"No, why?" Gage answered.

"Nothing, it's new anyway, I heard about him from my dad. They opened their company in Dubai but somehow decided to open a branch here in Quinn City. They are having this brand alliance thing with my family's furniture company."

"Sounds amazing," expressed one girl sitting across them.

"Thanks, and I met the CEO, Arch. Leon Magnum, because my dad invited him for dinner in our house and told him I'm an architect major so he told me the time that when he was starting to become an architect, he helped build this high-end university hospital in Abu Dhabi for a Sheikh and a train station and a palace lined with gold for this prince."

"That's some huge starter projects he got there." Gage was impressed.

"He said that he'll give me an internship position, and if you guys want..."

"Tempting but no thanks. I want my talent to speak for itself."

"Alright," answered the guy, and they all got back to work.

The class was over, and Gage met up with Felix by the campus garden. They sat on the bench having a sandwich and juice before heading to their next class. He became curious when his classmate mentioned the new architecture firm, Magnum Holdings, so he looked it up using his laptop, and there was a website, so he clicked on the link. "What's that?" Felix asked as he peaked over since he sat next to Gage.

"Just this new architecture firm in town from Dubai," he said to him, then scrolled down and saw more images of beautiful-looking buildings. "Wow! These are awesome."

"Yeah, these buildings are like a sculpture. Maybe I can use that swirly one as my home for my alien movie."

"Sure, knock yourself out."

Suddenly, Gage saw Courtney walking in the distance with her other friends. She would glance his way but snubbed him afterward. "You two still not talking?" Felix asked while looking at his phone.

"Nope," Gage replied. "But I followed your advice."

"Really? Cool."

"Yeah, I'm gonna audition for Romeo."

Felix choked on his sandwich. "Did you say... Romeo? Why Romeo?"

"Yup, you told me to."

"I didn't think you'd do it, I also said up to you, I mean... I thought you'd audition for the other roles than the... lead."

"Oh, Gosh," Gage felt foolish, that he signed up for the lead.

"That's okay, that's okay. You're just doing it to prove that you cared," Felix reminded.

"Right, right."

"Maybe you can change it?"

"Yeah, maybe. I hope," he sighed, but he was starting to feel calm.

"Great," Felix then looked at his phone checking Instagram, actually he was looking at Rita's account and admiring all of her photos, there were some selfies and the others were her with Oddey in it.

"What are you doing?" Gage caught a glimpse of what Felix was doing. "And who's she?"

"That's Rita, she's a friend of a friend, she's so hot, don't you think?" he showed him a selfie of her.

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