Chapter 54 : Finally, Justice

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Meanwhile, in prison, Adrian sat alone in the darkroom of his jail cell, feeling bitterly defeated over what had happened. His nose got all bruised, and he was still wearing the suit that he wore in court, though it got wrinkled from the altercation.

He looked back years ago when he was younger around their freshman years in college, and he was close friends with Leon when he was Hal. However, Adrian was just as arrogant back then that he kept picking on his old pal, since the young Hal was a naive guy and just put up with it.

That time, they met Marie and the bitter man fell for her immediately but he was not able to have her because his buddy used to tutor her and took a chance to ask her out on a date.

Throughout their college years, Hal succeeded in everything when he was an architect student and was offered to intern at a firm in China after seeing his design from the exhibit. Unfortunately, Adrian was just an average student when taking engineering courses, and nothing he did impressed Marie up until their adulthood.

Fast forward when the two young men getting to work in the same company in Ebony Estate and Hal married the woman of his dreams, while Adrian's jealousy increased.

When his old friend got promoted to head architect, he had to be assigned to do a project around the world, and that was when Marie began feeling lonely and angry that Hal was always away.

The evil man took advantage of having her for himself. Hence, their affair began, and the rest was history with his attempt to have Hal gone with a ruined reputation.

Nevertheless, Adrian's plan did not work since the man he thought was dead came back from Dubai with a new identity as Leon, his own in-demand firm, and a daughter whom he believed used her to get to Gage.

Since Adrian was in jail, he was more enraged than ever that his nemesis had the upper hand to bring him down, yet the evil man would not rest to get back at Leon.

"You may have won this time," the man grunted. "But I swear I will bring you down again. Just you wait."

Then Monday came. He was released since he was able to be bailed out. Adrian finally gets to leave the precinct with his lawyer. "I suggest you stay out of trouble, Mr. Munro," the attorney advised him after the unhinging he did in the court and to Leon.

"I don't pay you to lecture me. Your job is to help me put that son of a bitch in prison forever," Adrian grumbled.

"It'll be hard to do that if you don't listen to me now that Mr. Magnum has found evidence against you."

"What evidence?"

"He found the accountant whom you paid to frame him," the lawyer revealed.

Adrian began feeling scared and stressed. "Whoever that is, he must have paid him to lie in court for me."

"Is that so?"

"What are you saying? Do you think it's true?"

His attorney looked at him with an annoyed expression. "It doesn't matter what I think. I'm just making sure I'm not missing anything to do what you want me to do."

"Just do your job."

Later, the imprisoned man arrived at his home. Once he closed the door behind him, he could hear footsteps coming down. It was his wife. "Honey, you're here. I was planning to go to the precinct to get you," Marie chimed, then ran to him to hug and kiss him. "I was so worried about you. Are you alright? Did you get to sleep?"

"Yes, I'm surprised I could sleep in that hell hole," Adrian responded in a disgusted tone.

"Well, I made your favorite lasagna. I thought it'll cheer you up."

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