Chapter 33 : Happy Morrow

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It was a Saturday morning. On the contrary, it was a very delightful Saturday morning for our Romeo. Gage just finished showering and had his clothes on, while his roommate just woke up. He was all smiles and felt like a new man since that previous night. "Morning, sleepyhead," he said to his best friend, who was just waking up.

"Morning," Felix said as he sat up and stretched his body a bit. He noticed something different about his roommate. "You're up early, and... giddy."

"What can I say? It's the weekend, nice weather, and not much work to do. It's awesome."

"Uh-huh." His buddy looked at him like he was high on morphine or something.

"By the way, how was the festival?"

"It was awesome, Rita loved it. I had another surprise, dancing under the stars in the park with some band I paid to play some song," Felix answered.

"Oddey told me. I didn't know you planned that stuff."

"That's why it's a surprise. And now we're officially a couple." The roommate revealed.

"Cool. I'm glad that it worked out for you." Gage was too happy that he did not mind not being invited to the double date.

"Thanks, so what's up with you?" Felix confronted. "You have been spewing rainbows ever since I woke up. Did something happen?"

The gushing Romeo's face began to turn red with a goofy smile on his face. "Well, let's just say you were not the only one who got a girlfriend last night."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oddey and I kissed last night." Gage spilled a similar news.

"What? You and Oddey?" Felix gasped in disbelief.

"Yeah, we did."

"Oh my God." Even though they were friends, Felix was not sure how he felt about his buddy having a relationship with Oddey.  "I... I didn't know you liked her."

"Sorry, I couldn't tell you that I liked her for a while now."

"It's cool, I get it. So since when...?"

"Ever since I got to know her better, she's so easy to talk to, and I want to be with her all the time," Gage expressed from the heart.

"Told you," His buddy snickered.

"I know, I know you did."

Felix tried not to look disappointed. "Had I known, I shouldn't have invited Jerry in the first place."

"Dude, it's fine. It gave me a reason that I should tell her how I felt before it was too late," Gage said.

"Well, I'm happy for you too, man."


"Me and Rita, and now, you and Oddey. Now that you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend. What are the odds, huh?"

"Yeah, I know, right?" The Romeo beamed. "I couldn't believe it either."

"All that's left is for Courtney to get a boyfriend," Felix joked.

"Dude..." Gage called him out from that.

"What? I'm just saying. It's not like anyone is knocking on her door anyway."

"She will murder you if she hears you. Plus, that's kinda crossing the line there."

"It's a good thing. She doesn't have ears everywhere then."

The architect student recalled something in mind. "By the way, interesting fact, did you know that Jerry likes Haley Kin?"

His roommate gulped. "Really?" he stammered. "I had no clue. So what about it?"

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