Chapter 59 : Please, Not You

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Oddey's worried family arrived in the hospital after being informed that their daughter had been shot. "There's Rita?" Eva said as she spotted her by the waiting area with Felix.

"Come on," Leon told her, then ran to the young couple.


"Ms. Hermosa!" The best friend whimpered, then stood up from the bench with tears still flowing out from her eyes.

The parents were horrified to see there was blood on Rita's top and Felix's sweater that he was carrying in his hand. "What happened? Where's my daughter?" The father asked frantically.

"She's still in surgery, sir," Felix answered instead. "We don't know anything yet."

"Surgery?" Eva gasped. "What's going on? What happened?"

"We were in a drive-by, and then all of a sudden, we heard gunshot."

"I remembered Oddey was in the restroom that time," Rita sobbed. "So we went to her to see if she was okay and that's when... I saw the shooter, and... Oddey is on the floor already... sho... shot."

The parent's heart sank to their stomach. Leon got from shocked father to furious father in one second. "Who...Who shot her?" he groaned.

This was the chance Felix told him who it was. He was reluctant since it was his best friend's dad. "I know who it was," he stammered. All of them turned their heads towards him.

"Who?" Leon questioned him with his tone so angry that made the young man a bit pressured to reveal who hurt someone else's child. "TELL US!"

"Leon!" his fiance called him out.

"It was... Mr. Munro," Felix answered hesitantly.

"Mr. Munro? Adrian Munro."

"Yes, Gage's... Dad."

Leon's nose began to smoke like a bull. However, Gage arrived all of a sudden, which made the young couple yelped since it was a bad time for him to be there, "Felix! Rita," he called them loudly as he ran to them. "Where's Oddey?"

His friends signaled him to go away, but it was too late because Leon saw him when he turned around. "YOU!" he groaned and immediately charged up to him, then grabbed the collar on Gage's shirt.

"Leon!" Eva shrieked because his fiance pushed to the wall so hard that it knocked the college guy's head.

"What are you doing here?!"

Gage was scared, especially that he was on a death grip by his ex's father and cornered him on the wall while Eva and Felix tried to pull the man off, yet the Romeo maintained a brave face. "I want to see Oddey," he replied.

"The hell you won't after what your father did," Leon snarled.

"Leon, get off of him," Eva scolded the man and managed to push his hand off from the young man.

"What are you talking about?" Gage was dumbdounded to hear that his own father was the one who started it. "Oh, I get. Anything bad happens. You blame my Dad."

"I'm not blaming him. This gentleman right here." The angry father pointed to Felix, who was starting to regret that he had to snitch, but he had to since Oddey was shot, not pushed down on the sandbox. "He told us that your father was there and pointing the gun at my daughter."

"What!?" The architect student darted to his best friend.

"Dude, I'm sorry, but it's true," His buddy confirmed nervously. "I saw him."

"Now, tell me. Where is he?! Where's your father?!"

"I... I don't know," Gage stammered.

"You!" Leon raised his fist as he was about to punch the guy. The enemy's son flinched out of reflex.

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