Chapter 15 : Two Families

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Oddey was in her room, reading her romance novel. She stopped for a while and closed it then crossed her arms, and then rested her head on the desk. Her pixie nose smelled a scent that was stuck on her clothing, and she knew that it was not her perfume.

It was Gage's body spray that got stuck to the fiber in her clothes.

That subtle scent that she did not want to wash off made her reminisce about him. Also, from what had happened to her in that elevator, even though she had an asthma attack from it. She remembered how Gage was so kind, helpful, and understanding towards her until they were saved.

The thought of her sleeping on his lap popped into her mind. Oddey did not recall how she got to his lap, how she got so close to him that her cheeks turned very red from embarrassment. "Oh, my God," she grumbled and covered her face with her hands. "He must think I'm so lame. Why did I have to get stupid asthma?"

"Odette?" Her mother called out to her that the young artist darted to her.


"Is something wrong?"

"Uhm... no, no," the girl stammered.

Eva went to her and then placed her hand on Oddey's shoulder. "Aww... you must still be shaken up. I know how much you don't like to be in tight spaces for so long."

"Maybe just a little. I'm not gonna lie, I was so scared. But, I'm okay now."

"You still take it easy. Your Dad and I are just glad that nothing worse happened to you."

"Me too, Mom," Oddey replied.

"Alright. Dinner is ready."

Later in the dining area. Eva was putting the dish in a big bowl while the father and daughter talked. "I know that Carmela University is a good school," Leon talked to his daughter. "But don't you want to go to study in New York, maybe somewhere in Europe or Japan, I know you always wanted to be there again?"

"Any school is a good school," Eva said as she brought their favorite dish to them.

"She's right, Dad," Oddey agreed. "And I'm happy in that CarmU. Rita is there, I made new good friends, and most of the professors there are nice and... I like this..." She paused because she was about to mention Gage.

Eva's eyes widened. "You like what?" Leon asked after noticing that her daughter got all choked up

"I... like that... one of my professors gave me this job to design the set in a play and..."

"Wow, that's so great." Leon was impressed. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Do you need help? I know a thing or two about designing a theatre set."

Oddey acted all cheeky and made this funny grin towards her father. "Hmm... I think about it."

"Just let me know." Leon winked at her. "Anyway, I'm very hungry."

"Do not fear. The food is here. Let me pour the soup into your bowl," Eva offered as she reached for the serving spoon.

"No." The man stopped Eva by taking her wrist there was an awkward silence. Oddey had this smug in her face as she looked at the two people she loved. The woman that she considered her mother and her father had something between them. "Ahem... no, it's okay, I'll do it."

"No," the woman said to her in a stern tone. "You sit down, and I'll do it."

Leon just did as he was told and just stayed back. "Yes, Ma'am."

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