Chapter 25 : In The Middle

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The exhibit ended, and Leon was about to leave the campus. He was walking to his car in the quiet parking lot. However, someone did not let him. "Hal!" It was his enemy asking for blood as he marched up to him.

The CEO reluctantly shifted to him with an unimpressed expression. "It's Leon, and can I help you?"

"Drop the act, Hal. You're not fooling anyone."

"Well. You are pretty hard to fool. Long time no see, Adrian."

The furious man marched up to him with his face all twisted and also poking Leon aggressively on his chest. "How dare you come here and humiliate me in front of my son?!"

"Don't touch me." The man in the fancy suit slapped his hand away. "And it was a joke."

"You should've lost your license when you're in prison. How are you able to open a firm?"

"Why should I explain myself to you?" Leon scoffed.

Adrian became paranoid. "Why are you even here? What are you up to?"

"For the exhibit," Leon answered as if it was obvious. "I'm searching for hard-working architect students who want interns in my firm. Is that all you want to know?"

"Cut the bullcrap, you son of a bitch."

"Language, Mr. Munro. Are you done, because I want to go home now?"

"You are not going anywhere until you answer me. Why are you here?"

Leon gave him a mischievous expression. "I'm out to get you."

"What?" Adrian gulped.

The CEO laughed. "Chill, I'm not doing anything," he told him. "If I am up to something, I would've done it now."

"Stay away from my son!"

"Why? I could use his style of work in my company, or are you afraid that I might tell him that his mother was my wife?" Leon snickered. "And that you..."

"Shut up!" Adrian was about to punch him in the face.

Luckily, Leon was able to counter his attack by taking his hand and pulling it on his back, then holding him down on the hood of his car. "I am not scared of you, remember that. I fought death and the baddest inmate in prison, which, by the way, thanks to you."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, don't be so humble, Adrian." Leon squeezed his enemy's face on the hood of his car. "Take a pretty good look at yourself, and imagine what I can do to you right here, right now. Oh! and I also learned this in prison." The successful architect reached into his pocket and took out a Swiss army knife.

Adrian saw it as he was struggling to escape from his clutches that he became afraid and helpless. "Don't," he begged.

"I can't hear you."

"Let go!"

Leon released Adrian by pushing him down to the ground. After that, he bent down to his level while the pathetic man gazed up at him. "Look at you now, I can crush you like a bug with my Giorgio Armani shoes." Then he stood up and fixed his suit a bit. "Great talk, Mr. Munro. I'll see you around. Bye."

Adrian watched him get back inside the Mercedes and drove away. He felt very defeated knowing that his rival was stronger than ever. "Damn it."


Back in the events hall, everyone was packing and talking about the firm they wanted to apply. Gage checked out a couple of pamphlets, and one of them was Magnum Tradings. He just stared at him as he remembered the comments the CEO told him.

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