Chapter 47 : Not With Romeo

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Leon was in his car as he was parking on a street near the university in a safe distance to confront his daughter at the right time. Although it was a surprise confrontation, the idea was that Oddey had no choice but to talk to her father.

While he waits, his mind wanders off to the past. It was the hardship in prison to pay for a crime he did not commit. He remembered how the inmates put him through hell, like not letting him eat, beating him up, and threatening to do all the hard labor in jail.

A year of agony that he did not deserve all because of one man who ruined his life, and stole his first wife from him, he knew he was going to do anything in his power to make Adrian pay for what he did. Leon had to be ten steps ahead of the enemy to take action, and so far, Leon had been succeeding with his revenge plan against Adrian.

If it were not for a guardian angel who had helped him prove his innocence and made it a secret, Adrian would not know. From that, he had time to plan his revenge against him with his newfound life by having his architect license back, then had a successful firm, got a fancy lifestyle, and was given a chance to be a father to a wonderful daughter.

After giving everything to Oddey by being the best parent, he could be to her, and like any parent, he wanted the best for her. He would let her have everything, just not Gage because to him, he was not the best. Maybe the reason was that he was Adrian's son.

So, how could a man plot his vengeance when he found out that his daughter was in a relationship with his rival's son?

All of a sudden, his phone rang and interrupted his deep thoughts, so he picked it up. "Hello?"

It was Eva. "Where are you?" she asked him. "Might I remind you that you have a meeting with an investor at one o'clock?"

"Relax, I'll be there," Leon assured her.

"Okay, but where are you? What's so important that you're not in your office right now?" That was when Eva realized something. "Oh! no, don't tell me. You're in Carmela University, aren't you?"

"Wow, that's a good guess."

"Oh, dear," the woman sighed. "I thought we talked about this that we're going to confront her together, and we'll do it calmly."

"Sorry, Eva, but there are times when a father has to take action," the CEO told her in a firm tone.

"Leon, I'm begging you. Whatever you're going to do, don't do it."

"I'll talk to you later." Leon ended the call before Eva could say anything more to him. Afterward, he continued waiting for Oddey.

Sometime later, it was lunchtime. The man saw his daughter walking out from the main gate, and that was when he put on sunglasses and then got out of the car to approach her.

Oddey's back turned and looked down at her phone she had no idea that her father was coming to her from behind.

Leon was almost halfway to his child with this determination in his eyes to separate her from the love of her life. Nothing was going to stop him from doing it.

That was when Gage came to the Juliet, which made the man hide behind a vehicle and had his eyes on the couple, then also listened to their conversation.

"There you are," Oddey said to her boyfriend. "I'm hungry."

"Sorry, I had to print an essay for my literature class in the library," the Romeo replied. Then he paused and noticed something about his girlfriend. "You look pale. You stayed up late again, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I had to because I was tutoring Rita on math."

"Alright." Then Gage held her face with both of his hands, which bothered Leon as he watched them, yet did not take action. "Just don't exhaust yourself again, okay?"

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