Chapter 9 : It's You

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Oddey and Gage were stunned that they met each other. Again. "You two know each other?" Felix broke the silence.

The two flinched. "Yeah... sort of," Gage stuttered.

"Oh my Gosh, that means..." Rita gasped, then leaned her head to Oddey to whisper to her. "Is that... him? The guy... who saved you?"

"That's him," Oddey confirmed as she still could not believe that her mysterious hero was standing right in front of her.

"Wow..." Gage stammered since he was also in disbelief. "We... meet again."

"Okay. So... I guess I don't need to introduce you two, then?" Felix asked.

"Well, actually..." Gage remembered that he did not know the name of the girl he saved, so he turned to her. "So you're... Oddey."

"That's me," Oddey answered. "And you are? sorry, I wasn't paying attention... what's your name?"

"Gage," he replied and put his hand out for a shake.

Oddey tried to contain her excitement when she held his hand, and it was a pleasant feeling for her to feel his warm hands. As for Gage, he did feel something but couldn't understand it. However, something about it was making him unconsciously not letting go of her hand.

Rita and Felix already noticed that there was something between the two they had this smug in their faces just watching, and Oddey saw that, so she let go of his hand, "Nice to meet you... again," she stuttered.

"You too," Gage said with a gentle smile. "Wow... talk about a small world."


"Guys, we need to go. Our Liftcar is waiting for us outside by the gates," Felix told them.

"Oh, okay, let's go," Rita said.

"Wait," Gage stopped them as they were about to head to their ride.

"What's up?" Felix quipped.

"I hope it's okay, but is there room for one more?"

Oddey and Rita were taken aback and confused since they thought that it was just the four of them. "One... more?" Felix lifted his brow.

All of a sudden, Courtney came it was not a good surprise to the two girls and Felix, "Hey!" she exclaimed.

"Courtney! Heeyy!" Felix put up a fake grin. "Oh! this is our friend... Courtney. Courtney, this is Rita and Oddey."

"Hi," Courtney said to them. She looked at them and immediately did not like what she was seeing.

"Hi," the two girls politely greeted back her since they didn't want to look disappointed.

"I hope you guys don't mind that she comes along with us to the movies," Gage said.

"I thought you said that it's a double date?" Rita questioned Felix, who was also not thrilled about this.

"Uhm..." Felix uttered. He wanted to say yes, but he didn't have the heart to do it.

"No, it's fine," Oddey blurted which baffled Rita and Felix although she was lying she didn't want to look bad in front of Gage, Courtney could see that and instantly did not like her. "The more, the merrier, right?"

"Great! thanks," Gage was glad to hear that, Oddey just plastered a smile in response.

"Now that's settled, unexpectedly," Felix muttered at that last part. "Let's go, the driver is waiting for us."

They got to the mall and sat together at the table by the food court to eat first before going to the cinema. It was a bit awkward since there was a fifth wheel, Oddey felt that it was her because Gage and Courtney had been talking since the car ride and they had to sit next together while Oddey just sat with Rita and Felix across them.

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