Chapter 56 : Some Friends

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At night, when all of his classes ended, Gage was in his dorm room alone. He just finished doing his assignments, so he decided to call his parents via video chat. Not long, his mother answered, "Gage, hi!" she greeted. "Is everything alright?"

"Hey, mom," Gage replied. "Yeah, everything is okay. Is Dad there?"

"Yes, he's just having a late meeting via Zoom right now in the other room."

"I'm glad he's out of the cell. How's he doing?"

Marie let out a heavy sigh. "I'd be lying if I say that he's fine."

"Why? What's going on?" The concerned son asked. "Did Mr. Magnum bother him again?"

"Not exactly, though he is stressing about the next trial."

Gage felt frustrated over his father's troubling situation. "This is so unfair. Dad is already having a hard time with everything. Meanwhile, Mr. Magnum is engaged."

His mother's eyes widened when she heard what came out of her child's mouth. "Engaged?" she choked. However, she did not know that her husband was done with his meeting and heard the conversation.

"Yeah..." Gage exasperated. "What a douche. It's like he's already celebrating before the verdict." Afterward, he saw Marie seem distressed that her ex-husband was going to get married to another woman. "Mom, are you okay?"

"Hmm?" Marie looked towards her son. "Yes... yes, I'm just surprised, Honey. Let's not mind him, and worry about your father."

"I know. I just can't help but feel frustrated that Mr. Magnum could get away from blaming Dad with false accusations."

"Listen, sweetie, let's not lose hope. The truth will come out sooner or later."

"You're right, mom. It will."

Unfortunately, Adrian heard every word of the conversation that his wife and son had, especially when he noticed how Marie became silent after hearing that her ex-husband was engaged.

It was bad enough that he was most likely heading to jail once again and that his nemesis was celebrating his win early, but to know that the love of his life was saddened that her ex-husband was going to get married to another woman.

It enraged him even more that he tightened his fist and wanted to hit something. Once he heard the call was over. He took a deep breath and went inside the bedroom.

Marie was startled to see her husband. "Oh, hey, Honey. How was the meeting?" she said, trying to sound cool.

"The board is worried about the allegations against me," Adrian answered. "I think they're going to fire me."

"Oh, no..."

"After all I did in that company, this is how they repay me? This is unbelievable." Adrian sat down and put his head down.

"I'm so sorry."

"I bet you're regretting to be married to a failure right now." The man glared at his wife like he was possessed by an evil entity.

Marie glanced at him in a strange way. "What do you mean?"

"And I bet you wished to be with Hal by now."


Adrian stood up and walked slowly like he was prowling toward his concerned and scared wife she backed away when she saw the gentleman before him was not himself. "He could give you everything that I can't, and I bet you're envious of his new woman."

"Adrian, that's not true!" Marie snapped. "You're talking crazy."

"Am I?! I heard you and Gage talking. Admit it, you're upset that Hal is going to be married to a newer and more attractive model."

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