Chapter 2 : Same University

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Carmela University was one of the best schools to study business, law, and many other major courses. It occupied almost nine thousand acres of land, and the structure was as rustic yet modern style as it could be.

It was said to be the largest school in Quinn City and enrolled over twenty thousand students each year. However, what were the odds that two people out of that twenty thousand students were destined to meet?

Oddey arrived just in time before her class started. She saw her best friend, Rita Cortez, waiting for her by the lecture room while reading a textbook.

"Hey!" Oddey greeted yet it startled her friend and sat next to her.

"Oh! you scare me," Rita expressed. "Where have you been? I thought you were gonna be late, and what happened to your hair?"

Oddey touched her hair and could tell that it was a mess, so she took a brush from her bag and then combed it. "I still have ten minutes to spare and it's so windy outside that I thought it'd blow me away I had to stop by the computer room to print my assignment that I have to submit for Bio class next period, the line was a bit long though. Monday is the worst... aside from being back in the dorms to be the best roommate for my bestie."

"Smooth. What's this?" Rita snatched the book from Oddey's hand. "Eternal with you? What's this?"

"A book," the art student answered as if it was obvious what she was holding in her hand.

"Isn't this like the hopeless romantic novels for those who can't have boyfriends?" Rita snorted.

Oddey quickly took the book back from her best friend. "It's not that kind of book! Look at the cover again."

"Oh, my bad." Rita then noticed the snag on Oddey's sleeve. "Hey, what happened there?" she pointed at it.

"Oh no," she moaned.

"What? What happened?" Rita was taken aback by that.

"Uhm... an accident."

"What?! What kind of accident?"

"It's kind of a weird story. Although, thankfully, I was saved by a guy."

"A guy?" Rita gasped in excitement. "Is he cute?"

"Thank you for your concern about my safety, but yes, he's very... very cute."

Rita chuckled. "Well, I'm glad he saved you and that you're in one piece, so aside from that snagged sleeve sweater, you sure you okay?"

"Yeah, I mean, yeah, I thought I was gonna get hurt, but the fear went away when I saw his face after he saved me."

"That cute, huh?"

"I guess," Oddey was bashful.

"Do you know who else is cute? My baby niece."

Oddey noticed something in Rita. "Uh oh, I know that look, you need something."

"Well..." Rita seemed hesitant to answer.


"My niece's first birthday is coming in a month, and I'm in charge of making the backdrop of her party."

"You don't sound very excited," Oddey snickered.

"I am, it's just that they gave me the budget but I spent it all to buy... to pay my rent."

"Oh no, Rita, why didn't you just ask your parents that you need money for that instead of lying to them and taking what is supposed to be for their granddaughter?"

"Because I already asked them for a lot of things lately, and I don't want them to think that I'm, you know, mooching them or something."

"Seriously? You have a part-time job."

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