Chapter 43 : Caught Loving

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It became nighttime, though it was not that late, and they just finished their movie marathon. However, the couple still wanted to stay a little longer to bask in the moment by lying down next to each other on the picnic mat to just look at the twinkling stars.

"I wish this night wouldn't end," Oddey sighed.

"Me too," Gage replied.

"This place is just wonderful. I could just stay here forever."

"Me too, just you and me here."

"Maybe when I become a teacher in my own school here, I'll just lie here after classes instead of going home," the Juliet joked.

The architect had another idea in mind after heart after hearing that. "Why don't we make it our home and school at the same time?" He suggested.

Oddey gave it a thought and seemed to agree. "Hmm... I guess that's not a bad idea. It'll be more sustainable that way. Right?"

"That's right," Gage confirmed to her. "And every night, we can dine under the stars and with the view of the lake."

"Every night is a starry night."

"I remember you said that you want to paint a mural? What about this house?"

The Juliet sat up and turned to the abandoned home to start picturing what she wanted to make. "Hmm... I don't know yet, maybe something floral to blend the surroundings and all. What do you think?"

"Sounds great, after I make it into a calamity-proof house that is," He replied, then he got up and shifted his view to the house.

"Can you still do that?"

"Yup, with the magic of restoration." Gage winked at her. "Anything to keep you safe."

"Then do whatever you have to do," Oddey replied.

"I can't wait for the play to be over so I can start my internship, and then maybe I can start with this project."

"Is that even possible to work on this while you're an intern?"

"Probably not, I just want to start focusing on my intern, that's all."

"Hang in there," the girl told him. "So if you applied to CASAS, would that mean you'll be away all the time?"

"Why? Are you going to miss me if I do?" Gage teased her.

"Get over yourself." Oddey rolled her eyes. "I'm just asking, but yes, I will miss you very much."

"Maybe not at first. Hopefully, I will, and then I can earn my way to my Dad's company."

"I know you will."

"What about you? Have you ever thought of applying for an internship, or maybe working with an artist, or at an art gallery?" The boyfriend asked her.

However, Oddey recalled a suggestion from her father. "Yeah... I have, but," She blurted accidentally from that last part.

"But what?"

"Uhm... " The young artist made this cringing face.

Gage noticed his girlfriend's facial expression. "What's that? What's with the face?" He asked her, even imitating her.

"I'd tell you, but I'm afraid that you might get upset."

"Okay, I promise I won't. What is it?"

The Juliet became somehow nervous, so she took his hand. "I was offered to go to this art school in Europe."

Gage was taken aback by that and got confused. "Oh... Why do you think I would get upset about something like that? Is it because we will be far away from each other?"

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