Chapter 65 : Wide Awake

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The Romeo processed his parent's past actions in his car somewhere outside his area. It was hard to grasp in his head that they could do that, and at the same time, it made sense why Leon did what he did for not letting him be with Oddey. Perhaps her father was afraid that he really could hurt her.

However, he wouldn't. Since he had known the truth of what his father was really like, he realized something. "No, I'm not him. I'm not like Dad, and I'm not like Mom," he said to himself. "I'm not anything like either of them. Mr. Magnum should know that."

All of a sudden, his phone rang. To his delight, it was from Eva. "Hello, Ms. Hermosa?" he answered the call. "Is Oddey awake already?"

"No, not really," the woman sniffled through the audio.

Gage became worried from the sound of her voice. "Why? What happened?" he asked in a frantic tone.

"Just get in here as fast as you can. We need your help."

"Okay, I'll be right there." The young man put the phone down, started the car, and drove away to get to his Juliet.

Some time later, Gage arrived in the hospital. Eva was there to meet up in the lobby, "Come on," she said to him. They walked on their way to the ICU together.

"What happened?" the guy questioned as they hurried through the hallway.

"Odette had a seizure a while ago."


They stopped for a bit. "She's fine, for now. You need to speak to her," Eva told him. "Convince her to keep fighting."

They guy nodded. "I will. But wait, what about Mr. Magnum? Is he here?"

"Yes, but don't worry about him. Trust me. Now, come on."

Once they got there, the Romeo could not believe that he was finally allowed to see her. "Oh, wow!" he muttered. Though when reached to the doorknob, he became hesitant that he pulled away.

The woman was puzzled seeing him that way. "What's wrong? Don't you want to get inside?" she asked him.

"What if she doesn't want me in there?"

"Of course, she does, Sweetie. What are you saying?"

"The last thing I told her was to get out of my life," Gage answered. Standing there, seeing his Juliet lying on the hospital bed in such a condition, he remembered their last conversation with each other. "What if she doesn't want me in there?"

"Believe me, she does. Okay, yes, she was upset these days before this happened, but not because of you or what you said. She was upset that you two have to clash because of your families," Eva clarified.

"We wouldn't have to be," the young man responded.

"Now, go. She's waiting for you."

The Romeo took a deep breath to prepare himself, then entered the ICU. Inside, he instantly saw the girl still in a coma with a machine helping her to keep her alive. It was not easy looking at her that way. He pulled a chair next to her bedside and sat on it.

"Uhm... hey, I hope you don't mind that I'm here with you." The guy started talking. "I was in school today, and a lot of people have been asking. Especially Rita and Felix. They miss you. Including me."

Gage gently stroked her cheek, which made him teary-eyed. "You're near, but still so far. If it weren't for my Dad, you wouldn't be here like this." Teardrops fell on her arm.

"I'm so sorry, I understand everything now. Why you have to keep secrets from me. I wish I knew about it sooner. I wouldn't have pushed you away, I could've protected you instead from my own Dad."

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