Chapter 30 : Why Not Me?

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The next afternoon, Oddey was in the Usagi cafe having her lunch there. She was reading her book to pass the time until a paper rose popped up before her. Surprised, the girl looked up, and Gage was there with that irresistible smile of his. "Hey," she greeted.

"Hey." Gage sat down with her. "Thought I'd find you here. What are you doing?"

"Well, I finished all my assignments, so I just want to chill here for a while. What about you?"

"Not much. Gonna have lunch here, too. I just ordered a fish and chips."

The art student beamed. "Cool." Then held the paper rose in her hand. "Thanks for this."

"Yeah, it's just a little... or big apology from yesterday," the guy clarified.

"Yesterday?" Her brow lifted.

"About the ki... I mean Courtney. I just thought she upsets you."

"Oh... That's... not a problem. I'm okay."

"Good," he muttered. "Honestly, I don't know how I felt about yesterday."

"What do you mean?" Oddey asked.

"The kissing scene. I know it's all an act, but it's just so... ugh... weird. I don't know how other people do this."

"Yeah... I don't get it, too."

"Gosh." Gage cringed. "It's so annoying when everyone has to make a big deal about it. Courtney and I are just friends. Kissing Courtney is like kissing my sister."

The girl let out a small chuckle. "Yikes."

"I only did this just to make it up to her. It kinda sucks that I had to delay my internship for the play."

Oddey sympathized with him. "Gage, don't get me wrong, because I really understand where you're coming from, but I don't think you had to do all this just to prove your friendship with her or anyone. Supporting her in the play is more than enough."

The architect student thought about her advice. "That sounds just about right. Thanks, Oddey." Without realizing he held her hand.

"Anytime." Then the girl held his hand. "That's what I admire about you, Gage. You're a talented, smart architect but also very true-hearted. It's the reason why I love you."

Gage was stumped after hearing that last part. "Huh?" However, he was not sure if he heard it right. "What was that?"

Oddey freaked that she had a slip of the tongue she quickly pulled her hand away from his. "...What I... like about you," she stuttered. "What I like about you."

The guy knew that was not what she uttered from her mouth. "Order number six," the barista interrupted.

"I'll just get that." Gage stood up to get his food and drinks from the counter.

While his back was turned, Oddey could feel her heart beating uncontrollably, and she was starting to sweat a bit from almost confessing her true feelings towards her Romeo. "OMG!! What did I do? What did I do?" she mumbled to herself.

It felt like the cafe had the heater up on high, that she had to fan herself with her hands, then take a tissue from the holder to wipe those cold sweats. Also, she hoped that her crush just shook it off.

Not long after, Felix came in and spotted them. He ordered his drink first and then went to his two friends. "Hey, man," he said to his roommate.

"Hey, are you gonna have lunch here?" Gage asked as he started eating.

"No, I'm just gonna get coffee. Oh, sorry, are you two... on a date or something?"

Oddey exchanged glances and then shifted back to Felix. "No... we're not," she said. "We.."

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