Chapter 46 : Meeting Her

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Oddey was in her art studio while Gage went to attend his classes. She painted an unfinished work to ease her nerves that she was going to meet her boyfriend's mother.

However, that was not her only problem to face when her phone rang, so she picked it up. "Mom?" She answered. "Hey."

"Honey, your father," Eva stammered with a distressed tone.

The art student felt worried. "What? Did something happen? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. It's just that he knows you and Gage are together."

"What?!" Oddey exclaimed that she was turning pale and that she dropped the paintbrush she was using. "How?"

"He caught you being inside the car with him at an intersection," the woman grunted.

"Oh, my God!"

"This is what I'm talking about. Now look what happens."

"Is he mad? What did he say?" The girl asked as she began to panic that her father caught her breaking that one simple and golden rule to not fall in love with the enemy's son.

"Mad doesn't begin to describe it, Odette," Eva grunted. "But listen, before making any desperate action. I convinced him to talk about this calmly on Thursday. So if I were you, you better come and explain yourself to him."

Oddey knew she had no way of getting away with her lies to her father. "Alright," She choked. Once she put the phone down, it felt like her world was crashing in bits by bits.


The next day, Gage was waiting for Oddey by the campus garden since they had to go meet his mother during their lunchtime. About minutes later, his girlfriend finally came as she walked at a fast pace from being very on edge to meet a parent.

She wore a decent-looking dress and less makeup since she wanted to impress her boyfriend's mother to like her and not think anything wrong with her. "Hey,"  the young lady chimed.

"Hey, you ready?" The Romeo asked her.

"Yup." Oddey put on a toothy grin and nodded at him.

Gage took her hand, then instantly felt that it was wet, so he let go of it right away. "Woah, your hand is moist. Are you okay?"

"Uhm... yeah, I'm just a tad bit nervous."

"Don't be, it's just my Mom. I told her about you, and she's looking forward to getting to know you."

"She does? I want her to like me."

"She likes you already," Gage assured her. "So don't be scared."

"Okay." After that, Oddey took a deep breath to release tension inside her chest. "By the way, does she know about me... like my mother works for Magnum?"

"Yes, she does," the boyfriend exasperated from his Juliet being so tense over meeting his mother. "And she's cool about it. I swear."

"Okay, okay, I think I'm fine now. Come on, let's go."

About a ten-minute drive from CarmU to the restaurant, Gage got out of the car first and then went to the passenger side to help Oddey exit like the gentlemen he was towards his girlfriend.

"She's already inside," He said to her.

The Juliet was slightly at ease, yet she could still feel on edge about what was going on. "Alright," She replied. "I look okay, right?"

"You're perfect," Gage reassured his girlfriend once more. "Now, come on. I'm kinda hungry."

"Okay, let's go."

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