Chapter 28 : Silent Movie

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"It's fine, we can fix this," Oddey assured her team as she looked up at the balcony with no railing. Meanwhile, the Romeo decided to stay behind to help her even though rehearsal ended.

"Alright, how? We can't spend more money," another one asked, but Oddey didn't have the answer yet so she was too distraught to come up with one and did not know what to say to her fellow set crew.

"Why not just remove the balcony?" Gage suggested as he walked to them. However, everyone looked at him like he was crazy or something, especially Oddey.

"We need the balcony... for the balcony scene, so that you can see Juliet, Romeo," another student reminded in a sarcastic tone which annoyed Gage.

"Hold on," Oddey told them. "Let's hear him out first."

"What I'm saying is, just remove the railing on this and install them there by the doorway so you won't have to spend buying more materials to support the extension," Gage continued, and the art student could see that it was a good idea.

"Okay, but one problem, Juliet could barely be seen," the student added.

"Then let's just move it there so that it's upfront facing the audience," Oddey followed.

"That's right," Gage said.

Everyone seemed to agree. "Sounds like a plan," replied a guy.

"Awesome, I'll talk to Madame Vestia about it tomorrow to let her know about these changes. Okay, meeting adjourn," the art student said to them. Once the set design team began walking out, Oddey turned to her crush. "Thanks for that, Gage. I didn't come up with anything anyway. I think you will make a superb architect."

"Sure thing, happy to help," he replied.

"By the way, I didn't get the chance to ask you about the exhibit. How was it?" Oddey asked.

"It's great, I'm gonna get an internship in the firm of my dreams," he answered with an excited tone.

"Oh, right. I'm glad that things worked out for you."

"Thanks." But then, Gage remembered what Courtney disclosed to him and he began doubtfully glancing at her. "Uhm..."

Oddey noticed that he had something to say to her. "What is it?"

However, after looking through her eyes, his trust in her came back. "Never mind, it's nothing," Gage lied.

The girl gazed at him with a weird look on her face and just shook it off, then took her belongings. "Okay then." However, Oddey remembered what Eva told her and her father's problem with his parents. It gave her a reason that she should not pursue him since he was an enemy, but a very caring and harmless enemy.

Later, the art student was in her studio to do some sketching there to clear her mind. Making pencil sketches on the canvas before painting it. Suddenly, her best friend came. "Hey, Bestie!" Rita exclaimed.

"Hey," Oddey moaned.

"Oh, that is not a happy hello. What's up with up? Still having problems with the broken balcony?" her best friend quipped. "So, sorry I wasn't there when that Courtney gave you an earful about it. I would've slapped the cockiness out of her."

"No, I'm sorta over it."

"So what's wrong?"

"I just can't help feeling guilty," Oddey sighed.

"To what?" Rita asked.

"That I'm lying to Gage and to Dad too."

"Oh... Does your Dad know?"

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