Chapter 29 : Kissing Scene

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In the morning, Oddey came early to the computer room to accompany her roommate to print an assignment.

"Gosh, lucky for me, the line for the printing area was only three people, or else, it's gonna be a crazy morning for me. Remind me to buy one of those inkless portable printers tonight," Rita huffed.

"Duly noted," Oddey chuckled.

"Ugh! Why does Prof. Rook have to be so old school? Most of our professors want us to email our homework. Doesn't he care about saving the trees?"

"Hey, girls," Felix greeted them, then his eyes went to his crush as they bumped into each other, and became this goofy, lovey guy. "Hi, Rita."

"Hi, Felix," the art student's best friend greeted back with a sweet smile on her face.

Oddey had to interrupt the moment by pretending to clear her throat. "What's up?"

"There's this convention that the people from the film club told me. It's a silent film convention featuring classic films from the 1930s," Felix explained.

"Oh, wow, when is it?" Rita asked. Even Oddey seemed impressed by it.

"This weekend, in the Shangri-la Hotel. I have to buy the tickets, I want to invite you guys. If you guys want to come."

"I wanna go," Oddey said. "How much is the ticket?"

"It's okay, it's on me," Felix offered.

The girls were taken aback by that. "Really?" Rita responded then had a thought in mind. "Is Gage coming too?"

Oddey subtly nudged her Bestie's elbow and scowled at her too from making that initiative move. Nevertheless, that made the lovestruck guy agitated because he was still bitter about the double date incident. "Uhm... I asked him, but he didn't want to go. He's not that into that stuff," he told them. "He is more of a modern guy if you know what I mean."

"Aww... that's too bad," Rita moaned.

Felix also noticed that the art student seemed dismayed. "He gets very judgy about these things, so he's the last person I would invite," he offered.

"No, that's okay, Felix," Oddey declined, assured him. "I don't want to force anyone to do something they don't want to do."

"I couldn't agree more," He said, pretending to be empathetic.

"Great," Rita grinned. "Thanks, Felix."

"Of course. Okay, gonna get to class now. See you girls later." Once Felix walked further away from their sight, that was when he grinned like a Cheshire cat.


Later that day, in the auditorium, the art student was having a word with her professor, while the casts were practicing their dance steps for the ball scene on stage. "I love the new changes, Ms. Empirio," Madame Vesita said to her.

"Well, I had some help," Oddey claimed as she leered over to her Romeo as he slow danced with Courtney.

"That's wonderful. Now go on ahead and start working on it before we start rehearsing for the balcony scene."

"Alright, Madame. Right away."

Hours after the ballroom dancing, Oddey was sitting by the audience seat with her fellow set design crew to fix the props. Meanwhile, the professor wanted to start practicing for the next part. "Let us start rehearsing, please," she demanded. "Places, places, people. Romeo, Juliet, I need you both here."

"Stand over here, guy," The assistant directors instructed the two stars of the play to be front and center of the stage.

"This part is where Romeo is speaking with Juliet in private," Madame Vestia said.

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