Chapter 72 : O, Romeo, Romeo

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Weeks turned to months, and the couple was still apart by distance, but not at heart. Still, it felt like an eternity. Nothing could ever stand between a love that was used to be forbidden again.

Gage was living the dreams in Spain, yet he missed having a roommate like Felix. He got to work on big projects like building a private school and high-end hotel. The architect student was so eager to help with the design that he was being praised.

Meanwhile, Oddey resumed her studies as a fine art student after finally recovered from the gunshot wounds, giving a hand in the theatre club once again when their next play would be Midsummer Nights Dream. Even though Courtney was there to give her a dirty look whenever she passed by her.

She continued doing volunteer works in the hospital to teach little children how to draw, and also had one of her artworks to be displayed in an exhibit, with a little convincing from Madame Vestia.

As happy as they were living in their individual lives with all the things they had achieved, they would miss each other. So every other day, they would message each other or video chat one another to keep in touch.


Then, five months passed. It was Leon and Eva's wedding day in a manor. Outside was the aisle set outside on the garden, where the ceremony would be while the reception was going to be inside.

That time, he was going to marry the right woman who had supported and loved him. He happily spent the rest of his life with her and excitedly prepared for their wedding.

It was starting, the guests arrived, Rita and Felix were there too, and the music began playing. The groom stood dashingly in his tuxedo with the priest as he waited for his bride to come, to start a new life with her as man and wife.

Since Oddey was the maid of honor, she walked down the aisle first before the bride. She wore a peach big floral colorful print empress midi-dress with shoulder ties and gold strapped heels. Also, since her wavy hair got long during these months, she styled it with a low ponytail, natural makeup, and a cherry cola lips to have that finishing touch.

Leon wanted to cry, seeing how much of a beautiful lady his daughter was. It just occured to him that she could tie the knot with her Romeo someday. So before Oddey stood to her spot, the man stopped her for a second and gave her a hug. "You look lovely, mochipie," he whispered to her.

The young lady beamed to her father. "Thanks, you look very handsome, Dad," she replied.

"Thank you." The man gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

When the maid of honor stood at the side, that was when the bride came in, walking down the aisle. Watching Eva slowly heading to her groom, wearing her Swarovski-floral laced wedding dress with her, sleek bun with a wave hairstyle, and a veil covering her face.

The Juliet tearfully watched her two favorite people in the world, who raised and loved her, to have their happy ending together forever. Especially when they kissed right in front of their guest, and they officially became married.

Later, after the ceremony, they were inside the events space of the manor to celebrate with the newly married couple. It was the time for the catching of the bouquet. So when Eva threw it to the women that were there, Rita caught it, and then the two besties jumped for joy.

Next came the garter. Leon pulled the garter out from Eva's thigh, then threw to the gentle men. Lo and behold, Felix caught it. The two girls screamed even more.

Felix placed the garter and put on Rita, thighs under the skirt of the dress while Oddey applauded for them along with the other guest. However, even though The Juliet was having fun at the party, she still wished that Gage was there with her.

Seeing her friends, parents, and all the other couple, slow dancing on the center of the room, while she was the only one that had to sit at the side. Not that Oddey was jealous, just lonely.

The maid of honor decided to get some air from all that was happening, then carefully snuck away to get out by the stoned balcony. It was quiet that she wanted to stay for a bit until she was needed inside.

The scene gave her some deja vu moment with the balcony and pink roses surrounding it. Of course, the balcony scene from one of Shakespear's plays, Romeo and Juliet.

Oddey picked a flower and held it, then leaned on the ledge with a stair at the side. "Ay me," she moaned by reciting the line of Juliet. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" A familiar voice said suddenly.

Startled, Oddey accidentally dropped the rose from her hand, that it fell on someone else's. She looked down, and there he was, Gage. Her heart could be seen beating underneath the top of her dress. She was delighted to see her love again standing by the garden below the balcony wearing a dark teal tuxedo with a black turtleneck top under it.

"Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot, nor arm nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man," The Juliet responded with the following line. "O, be some other name. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself."

Gage chuckled for a second and played a long with the famous scene as he raised the rose to her. "I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized. Henceforth, I will never be Romeo."

"What man art thou that thus bescreened in night. So stumblest on my counsel?"

The Romeo climbed the stairs. "By a name, I know not how to tell thee who I am. My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself because it is an enemy to thee. Had I it written, I would tear the word." He stood right in front of her and returned her rose.

"You're here," Oddey sighed in elation. "I thought you'd here for another month."

"Surprise. I'm back," Gage chimed. "I actually finished my internship early. Plus, your Dad was the one who gave me a ride here."

"Well, then I have to thank him. This is so great. I'm so happy you're here. I missed you."

"I missed you too. A lot." Afterward, Gage got closer to Oddey and held her face. He kissed her forehead, then the bridge of her nose. The couple closed their eyes as the Romeo was about to get to her lips.

"Attention, all guests, please return to your respective seats," Leon announced with a microphone that it interrupted the young lover's reunion. "And I do mean everyone." His bride gave him a scowl when he finished.

Gage and Oddey laughed it off while they pulled away from one another. They held hands and went inside together to continue celebrating for a new and happier chapter of life.


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